I sure wish I could get back to the get-together on the 13th, but as you can imagine, that is quite a trip for a weekend. I did let Bob know that I appreciated the invite and I hope there will be more.
     I'm moving a bit more deliberately for the time being because I went through shoulder surgery about 6 weeks ago. I had about a 95% tear of the right rotator cuff tissue and when the surgeon got inside, he basically had to rebuild much of the muscle structure. He said 14 to 16 weeks for relatively free motion and up to 2 years for a complete mend. I guess that when I start expecting everything to be done in 6 weeks, I am pushing it a bit. But, we are getting there.
     Winter is finally giving up its icy grip on the far north, and our daily temps are usually in the 30s to low 40s, and the snow and ice is melting fast. You can tell that the buds on the birches and cottonwoods are swelling quickly, and it is only a matter of time that there will be the evidence of bright green new growth everywhere. I have 4 larch trees in the front yard and the chickadees have been raising havoc with their seed cones. I still can't help but be amazed how those 1 to 2 ounce birds can make it through the winters here but they show up throughout the year, even at times when it is below 0.
     The mountains are still covered on their top 2/3 with a bright white layer of snow and the skiiers are still hitting Alyeska for downhill and snowboard runs. But with all of that, you can feel the expectation of summer coming with salmon and trout fishing and some good hiking and camping. The daylength is increasing rapidly and we are gaining over 5 minutes each day, and will continue to do so until June 21 when there are about 20 hours of daylight and a night so light you do not have to turn on your car headlights to drive.
     I'll be thinking of all of you and wishing I could be there. Say HI to all and let them know I wish them the best.