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Third grade - 1951-52 - Winter Park Elementary
Mrs. Bookhardt's 3rd grade. Picture provided by Mary Phillips.
(Scroll down to see the names of the students .)

First Row(left to right): Wilma Burke, Helen Vinson, Mary Phillips, Margo Selby, Maxine Rogers, Jacque Cook, Sharon McDonald, Shirley Deaton, u/k, Phyllis Bichard, Nancy Ann Wrenn, Linda Holden, Heather Marwick, Carol Stehle , Tyra Jane Kelsey
Middle Row : Mrs. Gladys B. Bookhardt, Jean Grant, Perky McKim, Joann Ross, Susan Kelly, Carol Winterbottom, u/k
Back Row : David Sias, Craig Martin, Carl Kettles, Lynn Nidy, Andy Ramsdell, Dewey Ramsby, Dickie Rogero, Robert Dallas, u/k, Steven High, Harold Van Meter, u/k
Subject: RE: Mrs. Bookhardt's 3rd Grade Class
From: Charlotte "Perky" Pollard
Date: 1/25/05 15:07
     I'm wondering if the 5th girl from the left on the front row was Maxine Rogers. She was a friend of mine. Her father, Ken Rogers, was the pastor of Winter Park Methodist Church for awhile. She wouldn't have been in our class but a few years in the early days.      Good Luck, Perky
Subject: RE: Mrs. Bookhardt's 3rd Grade Class
From: Nancy Wrenn Starcher
Date: 1/26/05 17:07

     I believe that the seventh little girl from the right on the front row is Phyllis Bichard. I do remember her being in Mrs. Bookhart's class. Thanks for all of your hard work.     Best, Nancy Wrenn Starcher