The Kilt publication, dated April 22, 1958, was provided to us by George Fisher. Headlines read "Students Elect Council Officers". Thanks for sharing, George!

Ninth Grade
Picnic May 16

   A picnic at Sanlando Springs May 16 will be the final social event for the ninth grade.
   Ninth graders will be let out of school at 2:20 p.m. and should be well on their way to the Springs by 2:30.
   Entrance fee to the Springs is .60 cents, if students wish to eat from the school chuck wagon they may pay an extra .60 cents for the meal. Otherwise they may bring their own lunch or purchase food at the Sanlando restaurant.
   Those planning to attend should turn in their money to homeroom teachers by May 12.
Cheerleaders Training
   Seventh and eigth grade girls interested in becoming cheerleaders are beginning practice sessions each day from 3:30 to 4:15.
   From this group members of the faculty and Student Council will select the cheerleading squad for next year's athletic events.
Last Dance April 25
   The final dance of the year is being sponsored by the Student Council April 25, from 7:30 to 10:30.
   The Continentals, who played for the Spring Festival will provide the music for the evening. Only 350 tickets will be sold for the dance.

Students Elect Council Officers

   Following a week of campaigning and speeches, the students of seventh and eighth grade will go to the polls April 29 to elect four Student Council officers from a list of 19 candidates.
   Those aspiring to the office of presidency are: Jim Rich, Jim Stokes and Marty Wellinger.
   Running for vice president are: Roger Atkinson, Lance Howden, Donna Mueller and Sharon Sindad.
   On the slate for secretary are: Lize Bennett, Jean Britt, Betsy Cragg, Connie McDowell, Sally Tyler and Marny Van Nymegan.
   Those aspiring to the treasurer's office are: Robert Anoka, Nancy Collins, David Llewellyn, Bob Mikesell, Barbara Sias and Judy Wingate.

Code Adopted

   The students of Glenridge adopted a Code of Honor April 3 at three assemblies.
   Members of the Student Council presenting the various points on the code were: Jim Rich, Nancy Temple, Linda Schmidt, Susan Graves, Bob Mikesell, Max Morris, Frank Ferguson and Al Fesus.
   Following the discussion period, the code was voted upon and passed by a great majority.

    Nancy Temple said, with a dreamy smile, "Gosh, I was so surprised! I still can hardly believe it!"
   Nancy, an outstanding ninth grade student has been chosen to be one of two American students appearing at the National Convention of Foreign War Veterans Educational Forum. The meetings will be held in New York City in August.
   Nancy's high scholastic standing and membership in the T.E.E. class and the Saturday classes in logic and philosophy have won her this honor.
   The whole Temple family plan to go with Nancy to New York.

   George Fisher and Mary Sheldon and Sheila Clark were named King and Queens at a Latin Club banquet March 29.
   The judges based their selection on the originality and authenticity of the members costumes. Mary Sheldon and Sheila Clark were dressed as twin Roman girls. George Fisher was costumed in a white toga with a red silk border.

   A panel of seven members of Altrusa and Rotary will meet with the ninth grade May 1, 1:45 p.m. to assist them in choosing careers.
   After the general meeting, members of the Altrusa will confer individually with the girls, and men from Rotary will meet with the boys to answer questions and give advice about future professions.