The Lion's Pride original document was provided to us by George Fisher. We have attempted to preserve the originality of the document while adapting it to the internet and the web site. Thanks, George, for the memories and for sharing!

PAMELA PADWICK - Talented she is, and changeable, too.***Tri-Hi-Y

PAT PEARSON - Who can tell what this baby thinks?

BONNIE PECHIN - Life is real, life is earnest.

BUNNIE PECHIN - Together we stand, divided we fall.

MARY PHILLIPS - All that glitters is not blonde.

TERRY PIGNONE - Charming as the summer day is long.***Tri-Hi-Y

GLORIA PIPICH - Beautiful dreamer.

CAROL POPE - She's a "natural", a lover of all creatures with or without legs.***Band

BARBARA POWELSON - Things are seldom what they seem.***Spanish Club

CAROLYN RAYBURN - A modest lass - Tops in her class.***Spanish Club, Tri-Hi-Y

STEPHANIE READ - Enjoys the quiet life so necessary to an artist. ***Tri-Hi-Y, Spanish Club

JULIE REAMS - This small torch gives a bright light.***Band

JUDY REDING - She, too, serves a purpose who only jumps and cheers.***Honor Society, G-Club, Tri-Hi-Y

NORALIE REICHERTS - She loves learning.***Honor Society, Spanish Club, Tri-Hi-Y

LUCILLE RHINER - Quiet and shy with a gleam in each brown eye. ***Spanish Club

LYNN RICKS - Is this the face that launched a thousand quips? *** Tri-Hi-Y

MARY ROGERS - Though she is little she can be fierce. ***Tri-Hi-Y

BETSY ROLLAND - Here's a kind heart that has many friends.*** Spanish Club, Tri-Hi-Y

JOANN ROSS - She'll bless you with the sunniest smile.***Honor Society, G-Club, Tri-Hi-Y, Student Council Historian

DODIE ROSSELL - Fun doesn't stand in the way of her ambition. *** Tri-Hi-Y

KAREN ROTHROCK - She has all those endearing young charms. ***Tri-Hi-Y Secretary, G-Club, Student Council Representative

TONYA SAYRE - She may not say much, but she thinks a plenty. ***Tri-Hi-Y

SYLVIA SCHAEFFER - Who is Sylvia? What is she?

LINDA SCHMIDT - For charm and intelligence this gal takes the cake. ***Honor Society, G-Club, Student Council Secretary, Tri-Hi-Y

MARY SHELDON - Sincerity is her most arresting quality. ***Band, Latin Club, Student Council Representative

GAIL SHIPLEY - How far this little candle throws her beam.***Kilt Staff

JEANETTE SHIVER - A Changeable one -- sometimes quiet, other times the imp.

CONNIE SHOUP - The perfect pattern for a real friend.***Tri-Hi-Y

CAROL SKELTON - A leader her friends like to follow. ***Honor Society, Band

ANITA SMART - She always has a quick answer.

SHIRLEY SMITH - Wise and fair spoken.

BETTY SORY - Always a friend full of wit and wisdom. ***Spanish Club, Student Council Representative, Tri-Hi-Y

ANN SPAULDING - A real jewel with lots of sparkle.***Plaid Club, Quill & Scroll, Tri-Hi-Y

SHARON SPELZHAUSEN - The girl who inspired--"Great things come in small packages."***Honor Society

JUDY SPENCER - A quick sketch behind that dreamy exterior.

MARILYN SPICER - Sugar and spice in just the right mixture.

GAIL STOOKLEY - This pixy hasn't begun to discover her potential.

CAROL STREEP - The music goes round and round and comes out wonderful when she plays.***Band, Spanish Club, Tri-Hi-Y

HARRIET SULLIVAN - Full of fun and a friend to everyone.

NANCY TEMPLE - Born for success.*** Honor Society, Plaid Club, Quill & Scroll, Student Council Cabinet, G-Club, Tri-Hi-Y

BECKY THORNTON - Sweet and lovely, happy and gain; a smile for all who comes her way.***Student Council, Tri-Hi-Y