The Lion's Pride original document was provided to us by George Fisher. We have attempted to preserve the originality of the document while adapting it to the internet and the web site. Thanks, George, for the memories and for sharing!

EDWARD ADAMKIEWICZ - A woman would run through fire and water for such a kind heart.

THOMAS ANDERSON - Good sense and good nature go together.

RONNIE AUTRY - Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.***Hi-Y

THOMAS BARNA - Beware the fury of this patient man.

ANTHONY BARRON - Everyone likes and respects him. ***Science Club, Math Award

PAUL BENE - Here's a dimpled darling ***Hi-Y, G-Club

JACKIE BILLINGHAM - They say the best men are molder out of faults. ***Hi-Y, G-Club

TOM BLEDSOE - What he lacks in wisdom he'll make up with his winning ways.

ROY BLOCK - It's a friendly heart that has plenty of friends.

JOHN BORDLEY - He reads much and is a great observer. ***Band, Honor Society, Student Council

JOHN BOWMAN - The force of his own merit makes his way. *** Honor Society

BILL BOYLES - Handsome is as handsome does.

RONNIE BUCKMASTER - This fellow is a leader with gentle ways. *** Student Council, Honor Society, Safety Patrol, Hi-Y

CHARLES BUTLER - He that lies with the dogs, rises with fleas. *** G-Club

EARL CANTRELL - Work first, then rest.***Band

JOHN CASH - Talkers are no good doers. *** Honor Society, G-Club

CHARLES CAYLL - His own merit makes his way. ***Hi-Y, G-Club

HERB CHALLIS - Man of few words are the best men. *** Hi-Y

RICHARD CHILDS - I can't take life too seriously.

WAYNE COLLINS - There's no use in rushing through life.

STEVE COOKE - Some men believe in luck. ***Hi-Y, G-Club

WILLIAM COPLEY - A gentleman and a true friend.

WALTER COSGREN - Slow and steady sets a pace. ***Band

ROBERT CRAFT - Shrinks when hard service must be done.

RICHARD CREIGHTON - Sharp misery has worn him to the bones.

JAMES CROSBY - Innocence is a rare charm.

ROBERT CROSS - As tricky as they come.

ROBERT DALLAS - Life is what we make it.

ROBERT DANFORTH - None so deaf as those who will not hear. ***Hi-Y, G-Club

ALAN DARLING - Off with his head! He won't miss it.

JAMES DOLLISON - An able man reveals his spirit by his actions.

RUSTY DOOLITTLE - This lion is not so fierce as they paint him. (In fact, he's a lamb!) ***Hi-Y, G-Club, President of Ninth Grade. Outstanding Player Cup.

VERNON DUNCAN - While there's life there is hope. ***G-Club

DAVID ECKHARDT - He's a scholar and a good guy too. ***Honor Society, Band

ROBERT FACKLER - Men of few words are the best of all men.