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  This is Jeannie's e-mail page where she has asked me to share her thoughts and her trials with you as she battles bone cancer. It is important to note that Jeannie is still designing and the background for this web page was designed by her for stationary.
[Jeannie Jones passed away Monday morning, June 7th 2004 after fighting a valiant battle against cancer.]

Date: Thu, 6 May 2003 10:05:00 -0400 (EDT)
From: reginarr1@webtv.net (Regina Russell)
     Hello classmates! If you have read my story linked in the "Then and Now" section you will find this as a continuation. Here is a picture of myself my son Brian and his father, Dale Richards. This was taken January, 2003, just after getting home from the hospital where I spent one month and a day. I have bone cancer and a mild case of Parkinson's. This is my (immediate) family. We spent one week together before I went back to the hospital in Greensboro, to fight the battle of my life. My family being with me that week felt so right to me. It gave me the strength to go through it all.
     My sister, Joyce (and her husband Steve Hendricks) took care of me. Joyce didn't leave my side....She did more than anyone could have. She and the good Lord were by my side.
      One day at a time . . . Yesterday I was wondering if I was going to live . . . today I am wondering if or when will I be strong enough to walk. Jeannie Jones Richards Russell

  Subject: Hello Anne
Date: Tue, 12 April 2003 00:43:41 -0400 (EDT)
From: reginarr1@webtv.net (Regina Russell)
     It's me, Jeannie! I was looking over the web site and saw all that has happened since I've been gone. Wow! It's super! How everyone is coming together -- and some great pictures of our classmates!
      You all have been busy. And how about that 75th event. Everyone really showed up for that one! So neat! So cool with so many showing up. Just like it was the other day or something!
      Wish I could have been their too. The last time I wrote I believe that was when I got home from the hospital and my son Brian and my 1st husband, Brian's father, were with me. It was great -- we were a family again.
      I was going to write and tell you how well I was doing and how terrific it was having my family back together except one week I was home and then I was back in the hospital again -- two weeks I went home and then I was back in the hospital two days later. This is one time I was down and ready to give up. I can't believe that I am saying it -- or even admitting --
      As we all know, more so now at our age, more problems and life gets to be pretty tough sometimes. I know better -- I know the power in prayer and God's power and grace. The new break throughs and new treatments they have for cancer victims -- and this is what God and medicine (bone treatments and other medications) have put me back in circulation. I feel better and am getting stronger and happier . . . this is what has been happening in my life now . . . Jeannie Jones Richards Russell

  From: Regina Russell <reginarr1@webtv.net>
Sent: 01/17/03 11:45 AM
Subject: Happy New Year, I'm Home!
      Where to begin? It seems every time I talk to you mountains have moved and my life is always being rearranged. As dramatic as that sounds that is the truth. You're always wanting a story and with me you always have one, so here goes.
      My Parkinson's is fine. I feel like it is almost fading away. With Parkinson's they always say it is a progressive disease; however, in my case that doesn't seem to be that way. I'm fine!
      Now on the other hand breast cancer has come back, I now have bone cancer. I have been in the hospital since before Christmas. It is true I did have a shoulder fracture; however, I also have bone cancer in my hip, etc.
      With bone cancer they always say it is the end. There is no cure!! Parkinson's there is no cure and bone cancer it is the end. So according to what they say I shouldn't even be here. I'M STILL HERE!!
      Now....My story begins! Going into the hospital before Christmas, what do you think? But everyone would say how horrible -- NOT FOR ME!!
      From the time I got into the hospital until after I left it has been one marvelous happening after another. Oh yes, I went through the down and out and felt like there was no way out; however, that has not been true.
      I'm not having to take chemo but just radiation and new drugs for cancer. Prognosis looks good!! With cancer, like Parkinson's there is no guarantee.
      My life is now rearranged better than I could ever imagine. My son and my first husband, Brian's father, spent New Years holidays with me, we were family for the first time ever with peace and joy that is beyond belief.
      Praise the Lord, God bless you all, Jeannie Jones Richards


  From: jeannierr@webtv.net (Regina Russell)
Subject: WPHS Class of '61
Date: Wed, 2 Jan 2002 19:40:47 -0500 (EST)
    Oh yes, I still have Parkinson's . . . but with the newest medications and exercise (I do Yoga mostly, breathing and stretching) I live pretty much a normal life style. I stay busy and Yoga helps the muscles and body to relax. However, if I become overly tired or I miss my medication I am in trouble. The symptoms return and I am sick.
     In 1998 in June I was diagnosed with Parkinson's and in August of 1998 I was diagnosed with cancer. ''FEAR ''!! It is our worst enemy. Most people are like me. I knew nothing abut Parkinson's and cancer. The first thing you think is you're going to die -- your LIFE is OVER!!!!! Well, I didn't DIE. The cancer was confined and my doctor took every precaution to get it all.
     IT WAS A LONG HARD battle, and without the good Lord, family and friends, I don't know if I would have made it. IT has changed my life.
     LIFE is a GIFT and WE should enjoy every single day we are given. Be happy, love people and don't be negative. Enjoy every minute of LIFE. We only live once.
     Jeannie Jones R Russell