(continued . . . . )
      In case you don't have my new isp address it is: mashewske3@msn.com - Would love to move back to Florida one day. I have always missed it and never have been too thrilled about Texas. Guess the sand is still hidding in my shoes!
      I don't know if Bill Ronay has had a chance to bring you up-to-date or not, so in case he hasn't I'll fill you in. In Janurary of this year I joined the Volunteer Fire Dept. in our town. My husband almost laid an egg. His first word were, "Don't you know how old you are?". I am the second oldest in the departmnet. Our chief is 73. Our district covers 100 miles and thank goodness we only have 1 or two runs a week mostly accidents, fires and medical calls. I manage the station office and make the runs when I am not working at my regular job. I compromised with my husband and don't make runs after 8:00 p.m. Since we are a volunteer fire dept. we are constantly looking for ways to raise money. I really enjoy it and wished I had joined a lot sooner than I did.
      I never thought I would enjoy being in politics at all, but I throughly enjoy being on the City Council. This is my second term. The mayor called me one night 3 years ago and ask me to run in the next election. I agreed to do it never dreaming that I would get elected. Anne, it has been a great experience helping guide the growth of a small town. Some of our City Council meetings are so funny expecially when during the Citizen Input (citizens voice their concerns) one guy stands up and says, "My neighbor's dog peed on my porch again and I want to know what the council is going to do about it." I could write a book.
      I am still working 3 days a week for a Custom home builder so there isn't much spare time for me. Guess that is why time seems to fly by.
      Are you still working at the University? I know you really enjoy your work there. Anne, please write me when you get time and pass this e-mail along. Thank you so much for the great work you and everyone has done on the web site. I really loved the pictures.
      Take care, Lona Halloway (Mashewske)