WI-PA-HI-SC dated November 17, 1960, was made available to us by Nancy Temple. Thanks for sharing!
WI - PA - HI - SC
NOVEMBER 17 , 1960
Students To Visit New York In Spring
Journal Staff
Ann Spaulding
Associate Editor
Helen Grabber
Sports Editor
Stuart Smith
Society & Fashion
Sue Sturges
Exchange Editor
Barbara Richardson
Cub Editor
Nancy Ann Wrenn
Feature Editor
Susan Chace
Art Editor
Bill Schwartz
News Editor
Jim Caccavo
Judy Teague
Copy Editor
Pam Anderson
Business Manager
Craig Jacobson
Jeannie Jones
Anne Laing, Lee Van Wormer, Loni Abbotts, Susan Gray, Fran Ussery, Pat Allen, Sue Trapnell, Suzi Cushing, Robin McKenzie, Barbara McCartney, Dodi Simmerson, Chip Schram, Barbara Cayll, Sharon Horner, JoAnn Ross, Sally Ross, Alexander Bower, Jackie Cottrell.
Sr. Highlights
   Dave Smith born in Great Falls, Montana... Likes pizza, French pastries, trips to the beach... Dislikes girls that are always trying to impress people... Most embarrassing moment, the time he just about walked into a women's rest room at the movies.
   Neil Haldeman born in Sackets Harbor, New York...Likes sports (baseball especially... Dislikes most teachers, old women, lousy drivers... Most embarrassing moment when he was once called up on the stage to receive an award, and he wasn't there because he had skipped the assembly.
   Bill Ronay born in Norman, Oklahoma... Likes girls, cars, music, money... Dislikes homework, colds, snobby girls... Hobbies music, cars and girls.
   Jimmy Kopp born in Baltimore, Maryland... Likes football, track, pretty girls, study halls, hamburgers and milk shakes... Dislikes long hair on boys; and girls who gripe if you're just a little bit late for a date... Hobbies skiing and fishing.
Sr. Privileges
   SENIORS' spirits should be soaring to a new high. At the last meeting held by the Student Council, new privileges were introduced to be voted on, and within the coming weeks these will be presented to the student body.
    Heading the list is the establishment of a SENIOR parking area that consists of the entire stretch of Huntington Avenue on the side nearest the school. A lunch line exclusively for upperclassmen should produce, if not a happier, at least, a healthier graduating class of '61 from W.P.H.S.!!! It is a well-known fact to many of the underclassmen that the front door of the main building is SENIOR property, and now the sidewalk extending from this door will also become the private walkway of the SENIOR CLASS. Along the same lines the side portals of the auditorium nearest the stage might also be relinquished to the SENIORS. Juniors and Sophomores, be sure to vote and promote these privileges. These will be YOUR privileges as future seniors.
"A" Honor Roll
Congratulations to the following students for achieving an all "A" record for the first six weeks.
Seniors: Anthony Barron, John Bordley, Jean Bradford, Kathy Brown, Karen Horn, Kay Osborn, and Noralee Reicherts.
Juniors: Mike Kelly and Jim Stokes.
Sophomores: Leilane Brinkley, Suellen Hamilton, Marion Smith and Merrell Smith.

   Tuesday, November 8, Mr. Johnson had a meeting with all sophomores and juniors to discuss a trip to New York. He started by giving them definite rules they would have to follow. The one thing he stressed was proper behavior. He also stressed, "no smoking in public, no alcoholic beverages at any time, and not bermudas in public!"
   The trip has been planned for June 4, with the following agenda: The first day will be spent in Philadelphia, where a tour on a submarine is planned. That night there will be a trip to Times Square and the penny arcades. The second day will be a general tour of New York. All personal shopping will be done on this day. That night a visit to Radio City Music Hall is planned to see "Mr. Johnson's Rockettes!" (He's seen to that!)
   The third day will include boat tours and in the evening a Broadway production. There will be a choice between, "My Fair Lady," "The Gypsy," or "The Music Man."
   Thursday, there will be a tour of West Point. Coincidentally, this is also graduation day for West Point.
   A tour of the United Nations will highlight the fifth morning. That afternoon can be used to once again explore the department stores.
   Unfortunately, Seniors are not allowed on this trip because of the conflicting graduation date. (That's one thing Seniors don't want to miss.)
   Mr. Johnson has definitely said that he will take as many as 60. Any teacher's complaints about conduct will eliminate a student, since conduct is the most important factor for participation in this trip.
   The question was brought up about the "return trip." Mr. Johnson's answer was, "If you go with 'Old J,' you came back with 'Old J.'
   The approximate price of this trip is $125. This includes everything, (train, meals, etc.)
   All in all this sounds like it will be a very enjoyable experience for everyone!

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