The Promotion Day from Glenridge Junior High, May 30, 1958 publication was provided to us by George Fisher. We have attempted to preserve the originality of the document while adapting it to the internet and the web site. Thanks, George, for the memories and for sharing!
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Doolittle, David Gignac, George
Dowdie, Billie Ruth Gilchrist, Joline
Dowling, Patricia Gillingham, Joyce
Dudley, Deanna Jane Glass, Chester
Duncan, Vernon Good, Fred
Durocher, Catherine Gouck, Polly
Duryee, Sharon Grant Mackay, Robert
Eckardt, David* Graham, Carol
Eddy, Melodee Grantham, Stephen
Ellis, Linda Gray, Susan
Elsen, Charlotte Grinnell, Fred
Engle, JoAnn Grove, Martha*
Ezzard, Mary Jane*

Gruber, Marcia

Fackler, Robert Haldeman, Neil
Farr, David Hale, Fred
Faulk, Ronnie Halloway, Lona
Feddon, David Hardy, Joy
Fennelly, Lawrence Harmeling, Thomas
Ferguson, Barbara Harold, Richard W.
Ferguson, Frank Harris, Kay Melissa
Ferguson, Robert Hatch, James
Allan Louis Fesus* Head, Eddie
Feidler, Sally Heckendorn, David
Finfrock, Robert Henderson, Marilyn
Fisher, George* Henson, Charlotte
Fitzgerald, Diane Herold, David
Fitzgerald, Patricia Ann Hoelle, Carole
Flanagan, Thomas Hoffman, William
Flowers, Sandra* Holder, Pete
Ford, Gary Lee Holland, Gregory*
Frederick, Rhonda Kaye Holton, Linda
Frome, Donna Lee Hooks, Gary
Fuller, Bonnie Hoose, Veronica
Furr, Barbara Lynn Horn, Karen
Gann, Laird Horvath, Joanne Elizabeth*
Gardner, Gary Howell, Sharon
Gartside, Terry Hudson, Peggy Irene
George, Virginia Hunter, Jerry
Giannini, Richard Husmann, Marthabel
Giddens, Carole Hutcheson, Larry