The Promotion Day from Glenridge Junior High, May 30, 1958 publication was provided to us by George Fisher. We have attempted to preserve the originality of the document while adapting it to the internet and the web site. Thanks, George, for the memories and for sharing!
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Tinklepaugh, Sue* White, Sharon
Tobin, Thomas Whiting, Marcia
Todd, Diana Whittaker, Margaret
Toothaker, Stephen Whittington, Helen
Trapnell, Sue Williams, Judy
Trenner, Robert A. Williams, Linda
Uber, Sandra Williams, Katherine
Ussery, Frances Wilson, Peter*
Van Cort, Diane Wilson, Sandra*
VanMeter, Gerald Wind, Patricia*
Van Ore, Stevan* Winslow, Richard*
Van Wormer, Lee Winterbottom, Carole
Vaughn, Joyce

Wise, Warren

Vermillion, Victor Wobie, Kathleen
Vinson, Helen Woodburn, Patricia
Waddy, Mary Wright, Eric Edward
Warr, Patricia Wrenn, Nancy
Welch, Jean Ann Wright, Sherry
Wentworth, Linda Young, William Robert
Whipple, Robert Jr.








*Members of National Junior Honor Society