The Promotion Day from Glenridge Junior High, May 30, 1958 publication was provided to us by George Fisher. We have attempted to preserve the originality of the document while adapting it to the internet and the web site. Thanks, George, for the memories and for sharing!
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Ouzts, Heyward Rothrock, Karen
Paddock, Pamela Sage, Charles Edward
Padwick, Pamela J. Saunders, Jerry
Pagell, Jerry Sayre, Tonyia Jean
Palmer, Henry Schaefer, Jean
Parker, James Knight Jr. Schmidt, Linda*
Peacock, Ronnie Schram, Charles Eugene
Pearson, Patricia Schwartz, Bill
Pechin, Bonnie Seadeek, Calvin
Pechin, Bunnie Seaman, Barry
Pfeiffer, Richard Shadix, Albert
Phillips, Mary Sharp, William
Phillips, Robert

Sheldon, Mary

Pierson, Peter Shipley, Gail
Pignone, Teresa Shiver, Jeannette
Pipich, Gloria J. Shoup, Connie
Pope, Carol Sias, David
Potter, Dale Simpson, John
Powelson, Barbara Sims, Paul
Powers, George Simmons, Robert
Ramsby, Dewey* Skelton, Carol*
Ramsdell, Andrew Smart, Anita
Rayburn, Carolyn J. Smith, David
Read, Stephanie Smith, Robert
Reams, Julie Smith, Shirley
Rees, David Smith, Stuart
Reding, Judith* Sory, Betty
Reicherts, Noralee* Spaulding, Ann
Rhiner, Lucille Spelzhausen, Sharon*
Richards, Horace Spencer, Judith
Ricks, Lynne Spengler, Andy
Riddle, David Spicer, Marilyn
Riley, Robert Stookey, Gail
Robinson, Nancy Streep, Carol
Robinson, Robbie Sullivan, Harriet
Rogers, Mary Summerville, Kenneth
Rolland, Betsy Teague, Judith
Ronay, William Robert Temple, Nancy
Ross, JoAnn* Thomas, Frank
Rossell, Doris Ann Thornton, Becky