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Dec. 17, 1957
WE HEAR THAT COL. WOOD is teaching his class to sing Silent Night in the original German.

SOME OF THE GIRLS PLAYING Gator Ball play on the rough side. Ask N.T. to show you her bruises.

ONE EIGHTH GRADE GIRL has all her books taken from her locker. This sounds like the work of a very educated thief.

AS A TWIST ON THE CINDERELLA THEME Pat Clark came to school one day in bedroom slippers. Guess she didn't hear the clock strike twelve.

SOME OF THE GIRLS IN SECOND PERIOD P.E. are doing just about half of the exercises. Do you suppose the girls will cry when they get half a grade?

ONE SUNDAY AFTERNOON 4 Glenridge boys and 3 of our lassies played football. Guess who won? Coach Mosher should consider sending in some of the gals when the game gets rough.

WHO WAS THE GIRL who startled the Girl Scout overnight with a big SPLASH? Ask S.S.

WHO IS THE EIGHTH GRADE BOY WHO spends his time before school kicking paper wads down the main hall?

ONE EIGHTH GRADE GIRL WITH THE INITIALS N.C. gave this definition of a magnet- "A magnet is the thing that makes opposite sexes attract."

THE KILT HAS A PET SPIDER, named Spencer, who spins a web over the copy every night.

COACH VICKERS HAS A GROUP OF ARTISTS in his homeroom. They have drawn Halloween and Thanksgiving scenes on the board. Now they are making a Christmas mural. The busy little artists are: Annette Moore, Pam Duke, Jenny Evans, Nancy Dechert, Pat Brown, and Carolyn Corbeau.

SPEAKING OF ARTISTS - Sandra Meyette is responsible for the handsome Christmas scene in the library. It is done with colored chalk on a leather-like fabric. Thanks, Sandra, we all enjoy it!

Shirley have hair
Shirley lose hair
Shirley Baldwin
   One of the biggest holiday parties planned for the season is Carol Lober's on December 23.
   Invited for the festivities are Jim Rich, Pam Anderson, Garry Ford, Linda Myrick, Chip Schram, Ann Jenkins, Bill Collier, Marcia Fosgate, John Prevatt, Patti Wilson, Corky Higgins, Jane Mitchell, Bob Ross, Cathie Skinner, Bill Dick, Connie McDowell, Lance Howden, Lynn Ricks, Steve Stevenson, Paula Nagel, Jim Henry, Sally Tyler, Tom Mairs, Nancy Collins, Liz Bennett, Marty Wellinger, Gail Cannon, Ann Ridder, Barbara Richardson, Linda Tindall, Jim Call, Jim Stokes, Jeff Arnold, Dave Andrews, Bob Mikesell, and Jay Gustafson.

   Linda Johnson and some of her friends had a great time breaking in the Johnson's new back porch November 30. Those making sure the structure could take the punishment of rock and roll were Steve Cooke, Tom Massebeau, Karen Rothrock, Fred Good, Susan Chace, Fred Hale, JoAnn Ross, Richard Gianinni, Susan Cushing, Chan Muller, Sandy Flowers, Vernon Duncan, Robin McKenzie, Rusty Doolittle, Phyllis Bischard, Heather Marwick, Frank Ferguson, Dewey Ramsby, Sandy Cash, Pudd Mudd, Linda Borden, Judy Teague, and Steve Toothaker.

   Kim Havoc gave a dance party and every one raised havoc. The main entertainment for the evening seemed to involve the telephone. Those enjoying this "idiot's delight" were Gay Martin, John Rutland, Bill Richards, Stanley, Jump, Roy Davis, Bill Cole, Carol Lee, Mary Cash and Judy Hopkins.

   Pam Duke gave a party December . The people who had fun were: Dick Wannall, Charles Jones, Pam Duke, Sue Supprecht, Becky Houser, Cathy Haberton, Cathy O'Rork, Jim Phillips.
Susan born in Paris
Susan say "oui, oui"
Susan French