basketball coaches, Vickers
and Mosher, have started a
program in which a coach will
train one team for two years.
Coach Jim Vickers, who trained
the Junior Varsity last year,
moved ahead with the team
into the Varsity slot. While
Coach Bob Mosher will take
over the training of the Junior
Varsity this season, and will
move ahead with them next
system makes it possible for
the coaches to build up a
closer relationship with team
members, and should improve
the team work as a whole.
After a
highly competitive series
of tryout sessions, Coach
Bob Mosher has announced the
members of his Junior Varsity
Born, Keith Caldwell, Bill
Collier, Bill Dick, Jay Gustafson,
Corky Higgins, Gary Houmes,
Don Kirkham, Clark Lambert,
Jack McGowan, Steve Stevenson,
and Fred Trenner are the boys
shooting baskets for the Lions.
John Cox and Nat Turnbull
are the managers.
The Lions
Varsity Team has simmered
down to the following eleven
boys: Frank Ferguson, Dewey
Ramsby, Rusty Doolittle, Richard
Giannini, Bob Danforth, Terry
Gartside, Wayne Moore, Al
Fesus, Steve Cooke, Steve
Toothaker, and Dale Potter.
Carl Kettles
and Tom Massebeau will be
acting as managers.
In the Varsity
game it was the Lions all
the way. Frank Ferguson was
high man for the night with
8 points. The final score
was 23-12.
Gary Houmes
was top man in the Junior
Varsity game. He made a total
of 12 points. The junior score
was 28-22. |