The Lion's Pride original document was provided to us by George Fisher. We have attempted to preserve the originality of the document while adapting it to the internet and the web site. Thanks, George, for the memories and for sharing!

PETER PIERSON - I'm looking for the guy who invented work. *** G-Club

GEORGE POWERS - Beware! I may yet do something sensational!

DEWEY RAMSBY - Dewey feel discourage? I dew not think we dew! *** Student Council, Honor Society, G-Club

ANDY RAMSDELL - I'll just grin and bear it.

BUDDY RICHARDS - I'll get ahead in a stiff breeze. *** Band

DAVID RIDDLE - Let all the word say what they can, it's ready money that makes a man.

ROBERT RILEY - Still looking for the life of Riley.

ROBBIE ROBINSON - His congitative faculties immersed in cogibundity of cogitation. *** Science Club

CHARLES SAGE - They say this Sage is a wise fellow.

CHIP SCHRAM - He's working on his first million. ***Safety Patrol, Hi-Y

BILL SCHWARTZ - A wizard of words and wild flights of the imagination.

CALVIN SEADEEK - A solid citizen; the kind everyone wants for a neighbor. ***Safety Patrol

BARRY SEAMAN - He toots his own horn; but hen, he does it so well. ***G-Club

ALBERT SHADDIX - Every man has his faults; honesty is his.

BILL SHARP - Always plays sharp. What will the band do without him? ***Band

DAVID SIAS - A big time operator fresh out of gas. Who'd want to nab this kid? ***G-Club

BOB SIMMONS - Never at a loss for words.

JOHN SIMPSON - In the race of life, this quiet may outrun the others. 'Specially if he drives the way his dad does.

PAUL SIMS - Well, times silence can be more eloquent than words.

DAVID SMITH - A good Joe with a bundle of friends.

DICK SMITH - Nothing common about this fellow's peculiar charm.

STUART SMITH - Every court needs a jester. ***Kilt, Quill & Scroll, Student Council, Plaid Club

ANDREW SPENGLER - Never trouble trouble 'til trouble troubles you.

KEN SUMMERVILLE - Very few things matter and those things don't matter much.

FRANK THOMAS - And this be he -- a wise fellow, yet slow to show his wisdom. ***Kilt, Latin Club.

THOMAS TOBIN - Every man is the architect of his own fortune.

STEVE TOOTHAKER - Striving to get ahead we often stumble. ***Student Council, G-Club

BOB TRENNER - Long, tall, and full of what it takes to make a floor walker. ***G-Club

GERALD VAN METER - Who says, "Fallout" will hurt?***Hi-Y

STEVE VAN ORE - Oh, those piercing eyes! ***Student Council, Band, Honor Society

VICTOR VERMILLION - Above all things - a good fellow.

PETER WILSON - Ready, willing and able! ***Honor Society, Science Club.

RICHARD WINSLOW - This boy has the kind of personality that grows on you. ***Hi-Y, Honor Society, G-Club

WARREN WISE - A different mood for every day.

ERIC WRIGHT - A solitary follow who keeps his own council. ***Safely Patrol

ROBERT WHIPPLE - Whose house is glass must not throw stones. ***Science Club