Bands, under the direction of Mrs. Don Jennings, has completed its
most successful season. Not only did this group entertain the football
spectators with delightful marching, and half-time shows; but they
have played many concerts for the P.T.A., various elementary schools,
and a final concert at Rollin's Annie Russell Theatre in Winter
Park, May 22.
The band members went to district
contest in March and brought home "firsts" in all of its
combined efforts and "firsts" for many of the combinations
and solos also.
The combinations winning superior
rating were: John Bordley, Randy Mohn and Sharon May; Joe Smith,
Bud Kirk, Roy Savelle and Mike Kelly; Barry Milstead, Chuck Libby
and Micky Goldman; Charlotte McKim, Richard Volavka, Bob Berry and
John Bordley; Sharon Carter, Diann Loupee and Barbara Ginkle; Sharon
Carter, Diann Loupee and Carol Skelton.
The individual musicians who won "Firsts"
were: Carol Skelton, Linda Merhill, Steve Van Ore.
AT TWILIGHT, the annual Homemaking Department fashion show by the
eighth and ninth grade girls in Homemaking, was held this year in
picturesque Mead Gardens, April 26. Mrs. Louise Beasley, Miss Margorie
Ebert, and Miss Joyce Parrott sponsored the event.
One hundred and nine girls modeled
dresses of their own making; and were assisted by twenty-six ninth
grade boys acting as their escorts.
Charlotte McKim was General Chairman
of the show, with Sandra Cash acting as her Co-Chairman. The chairmen
of committees assisting were Stage Committee - Sandra Flowers; Escort
Committee - JoAnn Ross; Script Committee - Noralee Reicherts; Between
Scenes Committee - Paula Nagel; Publicity Committee - Jackie Cook;
Music Committee - Bonnie Boone; Program Committee - Jean Williams.
who have been awarded letters for their accomplishments in athletics
automatically become members of the "G" Club.
Sponsored by Coach Bob Mosher, the
objects of this organization is to encourage participation in the
various athletics scheduled at Glenridge.
As a project this year, the club has
raised money for a trophy case by prompting faculty-student volleyball,
basketball, and softball games.
Officers for this year were: President-Eugene
Mooney; Vice President-Max Morris; Secretary and Treasurer-Sandra
Incoming officers for the coming year
are Gary Houmes, President; Bill Collier, Vice President; and Ann
Ridder, Secretary and Treasurer.
Ninth Grade "G" Club members
have been listed elsewhere. The following are the members for the
coming year: Sigrid Bergstrom, Mike Born, Jean Britt, Bill Buttery,
Jim Call, Bino Colado, Bill Collier, John Cox, Bill Dick, Cindy
Flowers, Jay Gustafson, Bill Hammond, David Hoaps, Jim Henry, Corky
Higgins, Gary Moumes, Elaine Johnson, Don Kirkham, Clarke Lambert,
Carol Lee, Conley McEwen, Bob Mobley, Mike Mulligan, Tom Newbold,
Jim Rich, Ann Ridder, John Rutland, Judy Schmidt, Kathy Skinner,
Jim Stokes, Chris Tarre, and Dean Thompson.