The Lion's Pride original document was provided to us by George Fisher. We have attempted to preserve the originality of the document while adapting it to the internet and the web site. Thanks, George, for the memories and for sharing!

          "Wow!" they cheered
          When they first saw the scene.
          "What a cool school!"
          "This joint is keen!"
          "No grass to ruin,
          No paint to mar
          Can't be sent to the office
          'Cause it's too far!

     "Whenever we hanker
     For snake, bug, or snail,
     We've merely to get out
     And hunt with a pail."

     "We'll dance in the Guy
     Prowl through the wrecks.
     Get splinters a-plenty
     Or could break our necks!"

     "The holes in the walls
     As lockers will work.
     A place to hide books
     And drive teachers berserk!"

"Are lessons so dull
You think you could die?
Just gaze out the window
As the rockets go by!"

The sun, when it shone,
Fried all to a frizzle.
Classes were hold late.
The wind whipped the sane
Into eyes, nose, and hair
And billowed girls' petticoats
High in the air.

     The heaters were feeble.
     And fractious to boot
     They gave little heat
     And often burped soot.
     When it got really cold
     --such consternation!
     The poor kids were forced out
     For a five day vacation!

So was the spirit of Glenridge born
Rising like Phoenix that September morn.
"Have you heard about Glenridge?"
The word started to spread.
"It's a school with a spirit
     That's way out ahead."
     And parents discovered
          An entirely new rule.
          It doesn't take buildings
          To make a school.
          It takes spirited young
          With pioneer stuff
          To make something of nothing
          No matter how rough.

This is the saga
Of Class '58 
Our first to enter
And graduate.
The first of the Lion's Pride to go
We'll always be proud of them we know!