By Annette
The Sophomores were really on the
go last week. Diane Davich, lone sophomore member of the Royal Concern
dancers, journeyed with the group to the Southeastern Ballet Festival
in Nashville last weekend, there they performed "Birdland and
Fable", an original jazz dance on toe.
Sophomores were in the swim also. Emoke Papp,
who ranked as the sixteenth best diver in the nation last year,
competed for national honors again this year. The AAU meet was held
in Hialeah (Fla.) last weekend.
The sophomores are in the thick of the Student Council
race, too. Mike Gilmore and Chad Price, both top math students, are
our candidates for Treasurer. It will be so nice to win two offices.
Leilani Brinkley is running for secretary. Remember -- be loyal VOTE
Happy birthday to Nancy Hightower who celebrated
her Sweet 16th last week ... everything happened last week, didn't
Congrats to Tommy Scruggs and Gary DeVane. They
are now licensed drivers ... look out for the phone poles!!!
Our talent show plans ran into a little red tape
... more news when the tape breaks.
Don't forget to vote???? |

By J. Stephenson
Like scobby-do to all of you, too,
and a happy-go-lucky day to all the ole gang that made it back after
our recent four-day vacation. Time sure does fly, too fast to suit
many people, but just think, only two more weeks and the night that
many have been dreaming about will finally arrive -- "THE PROM."
It appears that everyone is content with all the
happenings around school because for the first time this week I have
received only one gripe ... criticisms concerning the Hawaiian assembly.
Unfortunately there was a mechanical difficulty in the microphone.
Mrs. Mark Galvano has appeared on the Ed Sullivan Show 3 times and
is considered a fine performer. ALOHA WANIES!!
All the athletes participating in spring sports
should be congratulated for doing such a fine job.
A slight warning to any one thinking of differing
with Mrs. Hill: Make sure Binky, Mrs. Hill's German Shepherd, is not
lurking around some place.
A congratulatory message goes out to the Intre-Club
Council for its project "School Beautification Day." or
better known as "Weed Day." This type of enthusiasm and
drive certainly emphasizes the W.P.H.S. interest in the community.
Gotta scaddy-daddy for this week but remember
to send your suggestions to the MOURNER'S BENCH in care of the Wi-Pa-Hi-Sc
Box in the cafeteria. See ya latersville like!!!

Colonel Herron, one of W.P.H.S.
math teachers, is from Washinton, D.C. He attended George Washington
University and graduated from West Point in 1920. After graduation,
he spent 31 years in the army. He attended Stetson University after
retiring from the army. This is his fourth year of teaching at W.P.H.S.
His hobbies include "fooling around and gardening"
and he likes to "sleep" in his spare time.
Hawaii, the Phillippines, Panama, the South Pacific,
and Japan are among the interesting places Colonel Herron has visited
during the 13 years he spent outside of the United States while
in the army.
Mr. Phillip Toppen, also in the math department,
was born in Chicago, and went to school at Hope College in Holland,
Michigan. This is his second year of teaching at W.P.H.S.
He enjoys taking movie pictures and is also a
golf and bowling fan.
Mr. Toppen and his wife, a former Winter Park
High student, have a 16 month old daughter.
Did you know that his pet peeve is "gum chewers?"
You "gum chewers" beware.
The Wi.Pa.Hi-Sc salutes you, Colonel Herron and
Mr. Toppen, as our teachers of the week.
Here are the names of more Seniors
who have been accepted by the college or university of their choice.
Those who have been accepted at F.S.U. are Julie
Baldwin, Loni Abbots, Sam Harris and Dottie Bell. Kathy Wobie, Kay
Osborn, and Johnny Cash have been accepted by the University of Florida.
Florida Southern has accepted Connie Shoup and Pat Beck. Stetson has
accepted Peggy Miller and Chip Lipps. Claire Herold and Barbara Ferguson
have decided on nursing as their career. Chaire is going to Orange
Memorial and Barbara the Jordan Keller School of Nursing.
Woody Leonard has been accepted by the University
of Maryland branch in Munich, Germany. Attending a college a little
closer to home than Munich will be Dewey Ramsby, who is going to