by Sue Sturges
to you, too, Boo Boo ... Announcement: The following young ladies
are engaged! -- Sharon Carter, Kay Dirst, Sharon Cummings, Nancy Thompson,
Barbara Rice, and Judi Law ... Dave Riddle wanted to see his name
in black 'n white, so ... And he and Arlyn Menk have been going together
almost two months ... Everyone is up in the air for tomorrow night
is The Prom __ Sandy Nelson's dad honored this SENIOR MISS with a
bar-be-cue supper and bowling at Fairvilla Lanes -- On the scene were:
Rusty Doolittle, Allen Burris 'n Ace Spaulding, Dottie Bell with Ralph
Franks, and "Brenna" O'Steen and Clarance Hood ... Glad
that Elizabeth Taylor finally copped the Oscar! ... Suzie Gray and
Jackie Cottrell will be entertaining with a Pool Party in the near
future ... Congratulations go out to our tremendous swimming, track,
and baseball teams ... The Victory Flag looks great waving in the
breeze! ... For those of you who missed it -- "Frani" and
"Mike" won the American Bandstand "Pony" contest
... Hope it doesn't rain Saturday, for that's Winter Park Beach Day
-- See ya at the far, far end! ... Graduation parties are moving fast
and furious for the SENIOR GALS -- Calories, calories, calories, but
fun, fun, fun ... The drive-in has been "rawther" dull lately
-- Did you know that Bob Carroll on WHOO is Richard Giannini's brother?
-- And isn't it great that WHOO stays on for a full 24 hours day in
and day out? ... Must close ... Be good ... Susi. |
are the yellow pages YELLOW? Why aren't they purple, pink or blue?
ETC, Have you noticed how everything is listed lately? To keep in
step with the current trend, I began making my own lists this week;
1. Things I can do without:
Homework, diets, bugs, mud, scales (weight -- not
fish), early hours, FROGS, exercises, typewriters without letters
on the keys, WORK!!! turnip greens and purples, tennis courts (I'm
doing without anyway), psychological tests, my battered cornet, and
certain boys!
2. Things I can't do without:
Certain boys, spaghetti, money, breakfast, lunch,
and dinner, hamburgers, skim milk, my trig book (& tables), and
EXCITEMENT, (P.S. Also, all my "faithful fans").
3. Things I'm going to get rid of:
My rock collection from the Grand Canyon (there's
enough in my head), 3rd grade "Zoo Project", any remaining
marbles, old bandaids, wornout ballpoints, rusty paperclips, and the
dust under my bed (even though it does give my room a certain (atmosphere).
4. News I forgot to mention:
"Vicky - Poo" Whitehurst, alias the peddler
in "Oklahoma!:, has been elected (an honest election, too, by
gum!) president of the teenage theatrical group at the Orange Blossom
Playhouse ... While we're on the subject of "Vicky-Poo",
I'd better say that he's landed a part in the current play at the
Playhouse, "The Gazebo" ... he's a corpse ...
One of our teachers has coined a new word - ORRISM
... definition: anything Mr. Orr says. |
Sophomores have done it again. Chad Price, vice-president of our class,
was elected Student Council treasurer in last week's run-off election.
The sophomore candidates, Chad, Leilani Brinkley, and Mile Gilmore
thank all their supporters, Congrats, Chad!
Congratulations are also in order for those sophomores
and sophs-to-be who were chosen as next year's Junior Varsity cheerleaders.
Maitland girls Leanne Merlet, Ellen Arnold, Suzanne Chartron received
the honor as did Sandy Borden, Sherry Durden, Judy Gregg from Glenridge.
WPHS sophomores who were selected to round out he roster were Janet
Squillante, Judy Hopkins, and Phillis Gallahue.
As promised, here's a glimpse of what some of the
well dressed sophomores will wear in the Spring Fashion assembly.
Each girl will model the dress she made in the May 12th showing. In
the sportswear division, Patty Turner will be wearing lavender print
separates while newcomer Lorna Richter will don a similar brown and
black outfit for the show. Penny Williams and Barbara Moulton will
look chic for summer in their pink sundresses; Melba Horne, Phyllis
Romita, Cathy Patch, and Brenda Kyle will war various shades of blue.
Next week -- a preview of the second class.
Happy Birthday, Emoke? Emoke Papp, sophomore diving
star, will be sixteen on Saturday. Many happy returns.
Have fun at the Prom this weekend!!! |