by The Count
this week salutes WPHS alumni Don Hoffman. Don is a genuine "Florida
cracker", born in Miami in 1941. He lived 8 years in Pennsylvania
before moving to Winter Park.
Don graduated from WPHS last year. When asked
to comment on our school, he had this to say: "My years at
Winter Park were very enjoyable. I learned a lot, too! The school
was well run and there was always something going."
After graduation last year Don became a disc jockey
at WLOF Radio in Orlando. While being interviewed, Don said that
he would like to thank the Wi-Pa-Hi-Sc and the students of WPHS
for their support and kind words. In a recent survey, The Don Hoffman
Show ranked 6th in this area, which is a good rating for a new D.J. |
You Noticed
You Noticed ... ... J
Have you noticed ...
the cotton versions of "knee ticklers?"
the new one-strap bathing suits?
the scads of purple fashions this year?
the absence of crinolines?
the presence of dirty tennis shoes?
the many new jersey dresses this year?
the sudden interest in formals? |
throughout the school
As Prom day draws so very near.
But Winter Park boys
don't "play it cool"
To invite us girls they have a fear.
kind of formal will you wear?
How do you plan to fix your hair?
Questions that we would like to hear
But SENIOR boys are too
darn queer. |
does a girl get a date
With boys as stubborn as they are?
They'll wait until it is too late,
Then wish that they weren't so bizarre. |
with the Prom coming so soon
We wish we knew more
boys from Boone! |
future? Don would like to keep on radio for a year. Then he has
his military obligation to fulfill. In the service, he plans to
take radio training to help further his career in radio.
Now for all you rockin' Don Hoffman fans...
a prediction of three possible winner spinners. Don's pick of
the week is Big, Big World. Next our favorite DJ feels that "You're
Gonna Need Magic" by Roy Hamilton and Neil Sedaka's "Little
Devil" will soon be hits. Be sure to turn in The Don Hoffman
Show every night on WLOF from 10 o'clock 'till 1:00.
Cuban Boys
Flee Castro
by Jay Stephenson
Saturday, while at the Orlando Youth Center, I had the privilege
of meeting one of the 20 Cuban boys who have sought refuge in the
United States from Fidel Castro.
The Catholic charities, who sponsored the boys,
have been trying to make the boys feel at home and the Rev. Hubert
J. Reason, a chaperone for the boys, has been doing everything in
his power to show the boys what our U.S. is really like.
To this date there are approximately 20 Cuban
boys staying at Camp San Pedro in Maitland, and about 20 more will
be expected to arrive her soon.
For security reasons, I am referring to the only
English speaking Cuban boy interviewed as "Joe."
Joe was born in Montavas, Cuba, in 1945, has previously
lived in the US for eight years, has a remarkable command of the
English language.
His opinion concerning the US can best be described
by this only exclamation, "lovely," because everything
is so different.
All the boys fled Cuba to come to "the land
of the free," and they plan to stay here for an indefinite
period. |
cha' say Cats? I say that Winter Park has an outstanding track
team this year and net year's team also has good prospects. For
instance: the track team won last Wednesday at Boone by a score
of 105 points. Next highest was Leesburg, while other trailing
teams were Clermont, Lakeview, Evans (tie) and Apopka.
First place winners in that meet for Winter
Park were: Johnson, high hurdles; Jim Fleming, the shot-put; team
composed of Michaels, Elam, Phillips, and Fleming, the 880 relay;
Eric Firchow tied the school record in the 440 yard dash; Bill
Hoffman, 880 yard run; and Elam, Whitner, King and Myers won first
in the mile relay.
Last, but definitely nit least, was Richard
Giannini who set an all time school record in the discus throw
with a heave of 154' 2". Congratulations Rich!!
At the Stetson relays held at Deland, Winter
Park pulled out with a second place and some new school records.
Starke High School won the meet with 61 points and Winter Park
followed with 49 1/2 points. Winter Park beat Seabreeze, Mainland,
Edgewater, Gainesville, Colonial, and Ocala. And five other teams
fell to the Cats.
First place winners were Holland in the 440
yard dash, Hoffman, Michaels, Phillips and Elam set a school record
in the medley relay with a time of 3:49.4. The other first place
win came from a team composed of Firchow, Elam, Myers, and Holland
who placed first in the mile relay.
Cuban Boys Flee Castro (cont..) |
the school system of Cuba, the various subjects taught are, in most
part, similar to those taught in our schools. Communism--a compulsory
subject which has just entered the schools of Cuba is the major
ideology that now dominates all the schools.
Now for some information concerning Cuban teenagers,
Joe and his friends dig rock and roll. Joe's favorite male singer
is Jackie Wilson.
All the boys will attend Bishop Moore High School. |