WI-PA-HI-SC dated December 12, 1958, was made available to us by George Fisher. Thanks for sharing!


     Jon Spradley was born in Miami, Florida on February 7th, and came to Winter Park in 1955 from Coral Gables. Jon's hobbies are boating, basketball, and baseball, and his pet peeve is people who sneak cuts in the lunch line and get away with it. His future plans are, going to college and then marriage.


     Sandy was born in Arlington, Massachusetts, On December 4th, and her hobbies are the various clubs in which she takes part, and a certain Junior boy. Her pet peeve is people who cut in the lunch line and get away with it. Sandy plans to attend Florida State University.


     Tom was born on March 16th in Detroit, Michigan, and plans to attend college after he graduates. Tom's hobbies are sports, food, cars, sleep, and girls; and his pet peeve is people who don't know the proper way to drive.


     Harrisburg, Pennsylvania is the birthplace of this Senior girl, and December 23rd was the big day. Her pet peeves are conceited people, and Sophomores who abuse the Senior privileges. Swimming, playing the accordian, skating, and boys are her hobbies. College, a good job, and later marriage, are on Kay's horizons.


     Watch out girls, this boy's pet peeve is sack dresses! Tom Duffy, a New Yorker, was born August 30th. Tom is Vice-President of the Glee Club, and the Florida High School Library Council. Being easy to please, Tom's main interest is just living. After graduation he plans to make a career of the service.

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