Staff |
NANCY HILL, Sponsor |
Spaulding |
HelenGrabber |
Smith |
Sturges |
Richardson |
Ann Wrenn |
Chace |
Schwartz |
Judy Teague |
Anderson |
Jacobson |
Jones |
Laing, Lee Van Wormer, Loni Abbotts, Susan Gray, Fran Ussery, Pat
Allen, Sue Trapnell, Suzi Cushing, Robin McKenzie, Barbara McCartney,,
Dodi Simmerson, Chip Schram, Barbara Cayll, Sharon Horner, JoAnn
Ross, Sally Ross, Alexander Bower, Jackie Cottrell.. |

Hi-Y News
Junior Hi-Y is really going "great guns" this year. They are
first of all to be congratulated on the success of their Thanksgiving
project. The boys prepared a basket of food for a needy family with
enough food to last approximately one week.
On Wednesday,
the seventh of this month, the boys honored their fathers with a Father-Son
banquet at the Congregational Church in Winter Park. About 40 people
attended and heard Frank Ferguson speak on his trip to Europe. Many
of the mothers turned out to help with the food and the boys served
their fathers. The menu included: fried chicken, baked potatoes, green
peas, tossed salad, and ice cream. Sounds as if all those who attended
really had a very enjoyable time.
As a Community
Service Project the boys have made arrangements to get a flag pole for
Ward Park. They hope to have it by the end of the Christmas holidays.
The money from the recent car wash will help to pay for this much needed
addition to our football stadium.

By Jeannie Jones
McCartney, when asked how she felt about being on the Christmas Court,
said "What do you mean how do I feel? You know how I feel, wonderful,
fabulous!" Barb plans on wearing her long hair down which will
be beautiful with her floor length formal. Lucky Julius Mullins will
escort this SENIOR lovely to the dance.
Chace is planning on wearing her hair up in a newly fashioned hair style.
Susan thinks that being in the court is the most wonderful surprise
she's had in a long time. Jim Harmeling, from the U. of Fla., will escort
this stunning girl to the formal. Suzie Miller's first thought after
finding that she was on the Court was "Bob (Wiser) will be so proud!"
Bob attends Duke in N.C., and he will escort "Milly" to Winter
Park's Christmas Formal. Suzie hasn't decided yet whether she will wear
her hair down on in a French twist!
Ricks says, "I was very much surprised and after they called my
name, it still hadn't hit me". Lynne's mother will make this member
of the Court a black lace formal. Frankie Harris will escort Miss Ricks
to the dance.
Schmidt said with a big smile, "I've never been so happy!"
Ronnie Peacock will take Linda to the dance. Linda, a tall, attractive
brunette, will wear a red formal.
Cook will appear at the dance in a powder blue formal. The satin bodice
is beaded and the skirt of the dress is of net. Charlie Brooking will
escort cute "Cookie" on the night of the big dance!
Vardell said "I'm just so very happy and I wish everyone could
feel as I do!" Rose plans on wearing a white satin floor length
formal which has a bow in the front. Tommy Seals will be the escort
of this SENIOR miss.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Christmas Assembly Tomorrow
traditional Christmas Assembly is to be held in the WPHS auditorium
on Friday the 16th. The club which has been sponsoring this assembly
for the past few years is the Campus Crusaders.
President Susan Carter is also the
director of the pageant. The Christmas pageant portrays the birth of
Christ in still life. There are no props with the exception of the manger.
The parts of Mary and Joseph are
played by Jeannie Williams and Tim Hartung. Shepherds are Ken Minameyer,
Ray Myers, Chan Muller, Dennis Rajala, Ronnie Peacock and Nick Groves.
The angels are played by Pat Beck, Eleanore Swan, Ann Joslyn, Mary Carter,
Connie Shoup, Marthabelle Husmann, and Marilyn Murphy. Wise men bringing
gifts are portrayed by Greg Holland, George Fisher, and Jim Ferguson.
The role of Herod the King is played by Ed Fishback. Sharon Hayes, Karen
Kane, Kathy Adkins, Becky Thorton, Ann Spaulding and Tony Sayre depict
the angels at the manger in the final scene.
Lenora Delvecchio and Frank Ferguson
will be helping backstage. Mr. Hotaling is directing the Glee Club with
music for the pageant.

Class News
Junior Class has been buzzing with excitement lately. So many projects
have been proposed for the year, under the able leadership of President
Mike Kelly. The Prom is to be the highlight of all the planned activities.
are busy selling 'Wildcat' sweatshirts to the students of the school.
We hope all will want to purchase one. After all, why not go along with
the crowd?
The class is also beginning
work on the Prom. Already the "Theme" committee has met and
is planning for the special activity. Excitement is high as many clever
themes are under consideration. This year's Prom promises to be the
"best ever".
season is here as we all know. The Junior Class is especially enthusiastic
about the season because it has the "concessions" for all
the games played in the Winter Park gym. Any money-making project is
welcome to the students of the Junior Class.
are just a few of the ideas the Junior Class has in mind. A busy group
-- don't you agree?

Senior class's main project to date is the Christmas Formal, and they
have done very well in this.
Winter Park High student body is in for a wonderful
big surprise! Noticed any sly looks on several SENIOR faces at the mention
of the Christmas formal? Well, if you're an observant person you no
doubt have caught these looks and wondered as to the reason for said.
The only cure we have for your curiosity is to suggest one or two tickets
to the 1960 Christmas Formal!
For all the flake-outs (the class enthused members
of our honorable school) we'll drop a few hints. See what you can do
with Mimi, New York, and "red", and if that isn't enough,
throw "silver" in too!
By Helen Grabber
few weeks ago, W.P.H.S. was represented at a convention for the Tri-Hi-Y
clubs held in St. Augustine. The S.S.S. Tri-Hi-Y was well represented
by Nancy Thompson, Pat Erle, Cheryl Prichard, Sally Ross, Elnora Wright,
Betsy Cragg, Linda Poulton, Mary Jane Potocki and Jan Carrol. W.C.W. sent
Chip Furr, Mary Cash, and Monica Goubou.
The girls left Winter Park bright
and early Saturday morning, and arrived in St. Augustine in the early
afternoon. They spent part of the day in various workshops devoted to
the different phases of Tri-Hi-Y work. Of course, being naturally curious,
the girls went sight-seeing, and St. Augustine is a splendid place for
that! (The Was Museum really enthralled you, didn't it Nancy?) A banquet
and dance topped off the day.
After church and a huge breakfast,
the meetings were adjourned, and off they went ... sight-seeing again!
This trip uncovered a "perfectly divine" pastry shop. (We'll
diet tomorrow, is that it, girls?)
A doublt treat was discovered on sunday,
for Mary Jane turned "Sweet Sixteen". This called for a real
bang-up celebration. A birthday cake, paper hats, noise makers, balloons,
and a surprised and thrilled Mary Jane made a perfect end to the trip.
The delegates came back with many
new ideas, and memories of a wonderful trip. What more could we ask?

National Recognition
national headquarters of the A.A.U. (Amateur Athletic Union) has notified
local officials that the O.S.A.'s senior girl's relay team placed second
in the nation in the 200 yd. medley relay, losing by only 0.3 seconds
to the national champions of Ponte Verda Beach, Fla.
Winter Parkers on the O.S.A.'s championship
team are Jaenie Britt, Bobbie Sias, and Salli Tyler. Ex-Winter Parker
Diana Todd, now lives in Tampa, is also on the team.
The Orange Swim Association senior
girl's relay team is coached by Dr. Ted Dippy. For the fourth straight
year, the Association's relay teams have placed among the top three in
the nation with two national championships, two seconds, and two third

Stars Cat's Line-Up
week we will be spotting one of our varsity basketball players from the
court to the Wi-Pa-Hi-Sc news desk.
This week's salute goes to Senior
Carl Dunn. Carl is one of the four seniors who will be playing his last
year for Winter Park.
Before coming to Winter Park, Carl
attended Salem High School in Salem, Ohio. He played three years there
before lettering in varsity basketball last year. Dunn also played halfback
on the football team this year.
His most threatening shot is from
the side court and Carl is also outstanding on the backboards for the
Good Luck Senior basketball player
and Hi-Y member, Carl Dunn.