would you like for Cristmas?
Richard Giannini: "To see Chan Muller wearing diapers."
Coach Gordon: "24 hours sleep with no papers to grade."
Johnny Cash: "For Jackie to stay home."
Jackie Cottrel: "For Johnny to understand."
Mr. Williams: "A complete set of Midas Mufflers with lifetime guarantee
for all students in my study halls."
Mary Cash: "A visible man."
Sigrid Bergstrom: "A visible woman."
Dewey Ramsby: "To purchase my driver's license from Suzy Cushing."
Stuart Smith: "Whatever you've got and a season's pass to the passion
Carl Dunn: "For the W.P. yard decorators to decorate my tree."
Mr. Wilson: "More industrious students and girls who don't chew
Julie Haynie: "A pair of Red Underwear with Black lace."
Judy Kirkpatric: "To have Tim lose 5 pounds."
Dodi Simmerson: "Greg wrapped up in a big blue bow singing "Are
You Lonesome Tonight?"
Mr. Fitz: "A vacation."
Kathy Browne: "A full scholarship to Queens College in Charlotte,
Ron Peacock: "A sixth period study hall."
John Borman: "A replacement for Sandy."
Dennis Rajala: "A Ferrari."
Helen Grabber: "A stuffed giraffe!"
Suzie Gray: "Tommy to stay home."
Susan Chace: "For Gainesville to burn down."
Sue Sturges: "What don't I want?"

the "Old Gang" has come and gone, and soon they'll return
again for Christmas.
of Winter Park's alumni arrived home on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving
while a few came in on Thursday and Friday.
started the holidays off right by attending Blast-off 5. Quite a number
of ex-Winter Parkers were seen there. Johnny Jane, Varley Grantham and
Diane Flowers, Ralph Franks and Sally Ross, Suzy Cushing and Danny Rivenbark,
Bobby and Pattie Wilson, Ginny Riggs and Dick Adams, Carol Wingate and
Andy Moore, George Sprinkle and Judy Wingate and Ford Duane, Bob Crane,
Bob Clerk, Herman Dickson, Eddie Hightower, Tommy Ross, Chuck Washburn,
all came stag.
the blast-off a few couples wandered over to Bill Howden's to finish
off the evening. Those attending this little affair were Ginny Riggs,
Robin McKenzie, Bill Howden (of course), Ford Duane, and many more.
night John Jane had planned a big farewell party, but they all decided
they could say their own goodbyes without the party.
Wi-Pa-Hi-Sc received a letter from Lynne Marshall a '59 graduate who
attends Brenau College. Lynn tells us that she's been attending the
many concerts in nearby Atlanta. However we wouldn't be a bit surprised
to see Lynne change to a co-ed school. Wonder why?
a few of our '59 girls are getting married. Among them are: Pat Seacat,
Sally Crews, Carrington Sharp, and Carol Galloway.
Frutchey just tied the knot with Mary Lou Williams. We send your our

of Nothing
By Pamme Anderson
was asked to sit down and write a bit.
About most anything I thought of
Well I thought and I think, and
I think and I thank
But no idea came as it ought've!
I picked up my pen, and sat in a chair,
Writing what
came to my head.
As I read
this thing now, oh how I wish
That I wrote
something else instead!!
I think you
will find, as you read line by line,
That this
story was written in haste.
Gee, how I
hate it, as I sit and relate it,
Ten minutes
of time gone to waste!!
Holds Congress
newly organized United Christian Youth Movement, which is the youth
arm of the United Council of Churches, has become quite active since
the start of school. A meeting, or congress,as it is called, is held
every other Sunday afternoon. The council, which consists of the executive
officers, the program area chairman, and two delegates from each church
in Winter Park are invited. An adult from each church is also encouraged
to attend, and Mrs. Oswald Delgado is the permanent adult sponsor for
the U.C.Y.M.
The master project which the young people's group
plans to undertake this year is to try to start a U.C.Y.M. in all the
major towns of Orange County. Although this may appear to be an easy
task, it is not because the U.C.Y.M. is relatively new and it is difficult
to get the churches interested in it. However, if the project goes over
Orange County will be well on its way to having a strong united youth
group, and one can be sure that it will spread from this county to other
counties, and to the whole state of Florida.
However, the U.C.Y.M. isn't all work and no play.
On Sunday, December 5, the congress, which consisted of the council
members, the delegates and their adult leaders, square danced to the
accompaniment of a record. When the young people got tired of just square
dancing, they did the bunny hop. Never let it be said that the young
people of the U.C.Y.M. don't have fun while they do a useful job in
their community.

& Fashions
when we were beginning to think the short skirts with high-top socks
were going out of style, junior Susan Harris appears in a darling beige
sweater-skirt set. Also, Senior Pat Stephenson sports a short lavender
pleated skirt and blouse with a pair of black tights to set off the
outfit. Where did you find the cute skirt, Pat?
Sophomore Mary Cash has been seen
here on campus looking especially nice in her dark cotton print sheath,
bobby sox and black suede loafers.
Linda Bair wore a mustard colored
sweater-skirt set last week. A high collared fluffy sweater with a checked
pleated skirt was finished by her bobby sox and brown loafers. This
was a very smart twosome.
Blue, turquoise and brown are extremely
popular colors now. Donna Mueller wore a deep blue sweater, black skirt
and tennis shoes topped off by a gold circle pin; Sandy Willard has
a lovely brown crew-neck sweater she wears with a wool dark-brown skirt.
Even boys are dressing for the season.
Jeff Arnold and Ned Whitner are wearing printed long sleeve shirts with
snappy looking sweaters and Ivy-league slacks. Ned's favorite seems
to be a gray jacket-type sweater with a dark gray color. Junior Jody
Hopf, David Sias, seniors Rick Deter, David Farr, and many sophomores
have been wearing really smart looking long sleeve dark print shirts.
They seem to be getting away from the blue jeans. . . . . aren't they,
David F."
One of the nicest sweater-skirt
sets seen all week was work by Susan French. It was a wool skirt and
sweater, checked with turquoise and blue. White is the background color.
She wore black suede flats with puff balls of black, orange and blue.
It certainly was an attractive costume, Susan.
To give the teachers some recognition
I wonder if any of you noticed how attractive Miss Hall looked last
week in her wine colored acetate cotton sheath with pearl buttons down
the front. Pearl earrings and black pumps complemented the outfit.
She also has a smart looking yellow
tweed skirt and yellow blouse with make an attractive ensemble. Mrs.
Gimon was recently seen in a handsome blue shirtwaist dress. A full
skirt with large pleats and three-quarter length sleeves makes this
dress very striking.
Stay neat guys and gals, I'll be
looking for you at the Christmas formal and all during the holidays.
Until next year . . .
The Bench
By Fermin
I sure do hope the other teams in the O.B.C. don't think they can use
W.P.H.S. as a doormat, 'cause basketball season is here at last and the
Cats want to cash in on some of that glory. The Cat cagers aren't going
to lay down for anybody and they're going to be out for blood for some
of those gridiron defeats. Lots of luck, Gunners.
Be sure ya'll attend the basketball
games this season, 'cause spirit can make or break a rally, and the team
would surely appreciate your support.
While I'm on the subject of basketball,
I might as well give you a rundown on some of the promising hopefuls and
returning veterans from last season. Even though Coach MacHardy had put
the boys on special drills to get them in shape, this did not stop them
from exercising in their own spare time, for instance, Jackie Billingham,
who has been strengthening his fingers by waxing the shaving cream off
of his old Stude. And Carl Dunn who has been improving his reach by pulling
toilet paper out of the tree in his front yard. Well so much for the extra
curricular exercising.
There is one guy out for basketball
who is over-trained, it seems. The coach is trying to confine Steve Scudder
from leaping so high for rebounds. During practice the other day, Steve,
in an attempt to snare a rebound, misjudged and caught his hand on one
of the lighting fixtures in the rafters of the gym. It will be healed
sufficiently for Steve to play in the J.V. opener.
That just about does it for another
week. Hope ya'll have a real "cool Yule." So long till next

By Sue Sturges
Chace had a lovely tea on Dec. 4th. The many, many girls attending were
charming in their "Sunday Best". Susan, in a turquoise jersey
wool sheath, greeted the guests as they stepped into the Chace's beautiful
Lake Maitland home.
Those girls at the party included:
Jeannie Jones, striking in a beige sheath with vivid purple accessories,
Mabs Brown wearing bright red velveteen, Linda Schmidt, Fran Ussery, Marty
Wellinger, Sigrid Bergstrom, Sandy Cash, looking sporty in her wool plaid
suit, Brenda O'Steen, Sharon White, Jacque Cook in fashionable purple,
Becky Thornton, Suzy Cushing, Mary Sheldon, "Christmasey" in
an attractive red dress, Suzanne MacMillan, Pat Clarke, Sharon Horner,
Carole Cubbedge another miss in purple, Wanda Barger, Nancy Wrenn, Gail
Cannon, Carole Tenneson, Donna Newberry, Rosemary Vardell, Pat Beck, Marcia
Fosgate, Carolyn Rayburn, Susan Carter, Linda Myrick, and several others.
Say, have ya'all discovered the "beat"
coffeehouse back in the Prado behind Proctor's? This cool place is strictly
way-out and loaded with atmosphere. About 30 varieties of coffee are served,
including "expresso". Guitar players sit around strumming while
the intellects busy themselves with games of chess. If you haven't hit
this high-spot, get on your bestest garb, and join the "cool ones"
-- Like man, it's ivy!
Now that the holidays are just around
the corner, many students have gotten in the spirit of things. After all,
it's a known fact that Christmas comes but once a year and with it --
no school, no teachers, no homework, and no more football games. On the
other hand, there's the welcome alumni, the Christmas formal, cheery "Season's
Greetings", Midnight Mass, the traditional tree, egg-nog(?), Turkey
dinner, jingle bells, "Santa" for us believers, "oo-la-la"
mistletoe, brightly wrapped packages, striped candy canes, familiar sounds
of "ho-ho-ho" and "Deck the halls . . .", and the
One who made it all possible, the Christ Child---
Have a wonderful, wonderful Christmas
and I'll see you in '61!
