WI-PA-HI-SC dated Easter, 1959, was made available to us by Linda Schmidt Rhodes. Thanks for sharing! | |
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those of us who have been around Winter Park High any length of time, this
year has truly been a source of joy and inspiration, for this year saw the
coming of taste to a Senior Class. Many of the Senior classes to graduate
from Winter Park have been but dormant, contributing nothing to the school,
but this year's beauty-minded Seniors have never ceased to do their part
to enhance the campus with bits of joy and pulchritude. When else in the
history of the school has there been a class with the imagination and taste
to bring statues to beautify the school? Winter Park High's statue collection
was, during its brief, glorious existence, a great center of attention.
People came from far and wide to see the only high school in Central Florida
with its own art collection. Upon the roof was a lovely, life-sized, scarlet
reindeer, who, we were told, was still recovering from the embarrassment
encountered when Santa nearly hit an airplane (pre-Rudolf), a black-and-white
penguin, named Willie, who repeated over and over again, "Smoke Cools,"
a dwarf who sat upon a stool and viewed the world with the interest of a
P.A.D. student, and a pair of contortionists, whose appearance let to the
downfall of the collection. It was truly a bad day when those of poor taste
and apparently no sense of humor, ordered the collection removed. This year's Senior Class was also the first class to introduce the fine old art of boat racing to the school's curriculum. The admission to this sport is free, and all one has to do is look in the direction of the gym after school and see the Senior |
amphibians rush up the WPHS River. This is a hazardous sport, since sandbars
are frequent, and many are made of quicksand; more than one of these sturdy
crafts has been lost. Fortunately, the school Admiral has a contract with
the Andy Ahik Deep Sea Salvage Company, and more than once has this fearless
seaman ventured into the depths of the WPHS River to help some Senior in
distress. It shall be a sad day indeed when the Class of '59 leaves WPHS; but who know? Maybe a priceless heritage has been left the school!! Maybe the Statue Collection will return, and maybe, maybe, mind you, the River may be dredged and declared a navigable waterway.
STAFF ASSISTANTS: Robin Sherwood, Donna Oswald, Susan Krone, Barbara Ellis, Marion Pike, Harriet Tilson, John Whittington, Pam Garner. Reporters: Sally Berstrom, Jody Frutchey, Jacque Williams, Donna Oswald, Dot Macmillan, Lynne Marshall, Barbara Ellis, Sue Butler, Marion Pike, Robin Sherwood, John Whittington, Ronnie Bissland, Rosemary Talton, Harriet Tilson, Carol McKinney. TYPISTS: Jody Frutchey, Stuart Jamison, Donna Oswald, Lynn Marshall, Sally Bergstrom. |
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