of the nicest parties of the Christmas season was the one given
by Alumni Bill Winderweedle for about 50 of his friends and
their dates. The guest list included: Bob Crane with Linda Schmidt,
Beaner Howden and Ann Taylor, Lynn Furr and Bob Murdock of St.
Pete, Joyce Grimm and Tommy Ross, Marty Willinger with Lance
Howden (Lance, dear child, would you please keep your mouth
shut!) Jeannie Welch and Phil Hoffman, Sharon O'Neal and Chuck
Washburn, Lee Maynard and Anne Laing, Judy Wingate and Terry
Egan, Pat Clarke and Johnny Jane, and "Cricket" and
When the clock struck twelve, the merrymakers
sure brought the New Year in right! (I think!)
Brothers Jim and Dan Harmeling were two more
party-givers on New Year's Eve. Jim's date was Susan Chace,
while brother Dan dated Linda Heizen. The rest of the "gang"
consisted of Maurine Doggett with John Myers, Lynn Ricks and
Frankie Harris, Fran Ussery with Him Hamilton, "Connie
and Chet," Linda Myrick and Bob Sutphen, Jim Ferguson with
Sheila Cummings, Susan Carter and Chan Muller, and Ronnie Barger
with Sharon Cummings.
Graduate Tommy Woodruff was also a host on
New Year's Eve. Can't get too much information from the group
at this party. What's the big secret? Say, Suzie, how was the
blazing fire and sweet music this year?
By the time everybody had recovered on New
Year's Day, it was zero hour for Pat Clarke's big shindig! What
a party!? While Mr. and Mrs. Clarke entertained their guests
in their gorgeous Lake Maitland home, perky Pat was busy playing
hostess for many of her friends. A live orchestra provided the
music and there was refreshment for everyone! Some of those
taking advantage were: Houston Frailey, Mickey Merola of Bishop
Moore, Sharon Horner, Suzy Cushing, Carole Giddens, "Nancy",
Barbara Cayll, Carole Cubbedge, Jim Gamin, Carole Wingate, Larry
Cowart, John Jane, Jim Beckwith, "Little" Wingate,
John Wolfe, Dick Rhodes, Joanne Richard, Dwight Andrews, Judy
Crawford with Ronnie Cayll, and oodles more. This was truly
a party to remember, and who could forget it?
That about winds it up for this time. See
you next issue!
with Santa came Cupid. Christmas Eve brought Miss Hall, typing
teacher at W.P.H.S., an engagement ring. Miss Hall's finance,
Charles Padara, is an engineering at Martin Company, and a native
of Virginia. Since long-distance courting is impractical, both
decided to get positions in Florida. When asked about the new
TV set they bought together, Miss Hall refused to comment. As
of late, no specific date has been set for the bells to ring.

By Sue Sturges
Dec. 24, Suzie Gray and brother David were the host and hostess
at a small open house at their Maitland home. Seen eating Miss
Gray's fabulous chocolate chip cookies were: Tommy Gibbs, JoAnn
Horvath with Mike Mosher, Bob Wiser and Suzie Miller, Wayne
Duncan, Julie Baldwin and Tommy Woodruff, and Jeannie Jones
with Tom Righetti.
"Twas the night before Christmas - and
many, many people were found at Joy Williams' large and lovely
open house. After this, quite a few persons attended Christmas
Eve services which was a most fitting way to begin the celebration
of the birth of Christ.
Early Christmas afternoon, the Double F, minus
one and plus another (figure that one out!) had a joyous gift
- exchanging get-together. Sounds like fun, now tell us, what
is the Double F!
Donna Mueller and Helen Grabber were the popular
hostesses at still another open house on Dec. 26. Seen sipping
punch and nibbling cookies were Jeff Arnold, Bill Collier, Carl
Dunn, John Cash, Buster Judy, Dodi and Greg, Mike Dean, Bill
Schwartz, Tom Hughes, Marcia Fosgate, Dave Smith, Ann Jenkins,
Charlie Matthews, Kay Harris, JoAnn Cunningham and loads more!
Marty Wellinger was there also, and it seems as if she really
enjoyed all of the mistletoe - she even went so far as to put
a sprig in her hair. Tell us the results, Marty!
Linda and Judy Schmidt entertained at an open
house on the afternoon of Dec. 27. Approximately
65 girls were there to enjoy the tasty cookies and tangy punch.
The girls surely looked chic in their suits or wintery wool
sheaths with all of the accessories. Among the guests were Bobbie
Sias, Janet Squillante, Emok Papp, sisters Jennie and Joyce
Jones, Maryanne Brown, Judy Reding, Nancy Temple, Gail Cannon,
Liz Bennett, Diane Beiger, and, naturally many more. After the
girls departed, the Schmidts were visited by several boys who
brought their own tea bags. What were you up to, fellows?
On Dec. 29, Jay Hostettler with his date,
darling Tony Sayre, threw a gala house-warming party. The guests
who enjoyed dancing in the beautiful gameroom were Jody Hopf
and Anne Laing, Joe Smart and Jane Moore, Carl Doragan with
Kathy Millonig, Chuck Fout and Carol Morris, Tim Boone with
Annette McDougald, Craig Martin and Joyce Kirkland, and stags,
John Denscombe and Ron Bryson.
Dodie Rossell was another gal who hosted at
a tea, as was SENIOR Bonnie Boone. Linda Heizen, home from King
College, and Nancy, her sister, were the co-hostesses at a tea
at the Barbizon in Winter Park.
Among the many girls at Bonnie's tea were:
Polly Gouck, Marlee Coddington, Barbara Ferguson, Darla Fessler,
Bonnie and Bunnie Pechin, Sharon Spelzhausen, Jeanne Williams,
Marty Grove, Ann Jordan, Suzanne McMillan, Sharon MacDonald,
Betty Jane Lucius, Becky Thornton, and Helen Whittington.
Bill Schwartz, talented SENIOR, had a party
planned for Bill Sharpe, an ex-Parker, but it seems as if Mr.
Sharpe didn't quite make it. Guest of Honor or not, the people
who showed up sure had fun!
Things rocked around this town on New Year's
Eve! Jeannie Britt threw an open house from 7:00 'til 9:00 to
get everybody in the swing of things. Also, there was the Orlando
Youth Center Dance which is an annual affair, and an enjoyable
one at that!
Ray Myers had a quiet (wonder why?) little
party for a few of his friends. Pretty Cheryl LaPraise was Ray's
date while other close "buddies" included Ken Minameyer
and Phyllis Gallahue, Dodi Simmerson with Greg Holland, and
Julius Mullins and Barbara McCartney. Things were going along
great 'til Ray brought out his camera! Surprised, Julius?
the season to be jolly, and weren't we? Parties, parties, parties
-- every imaginable kind of party was held over the holidays.
The boys played poker while the girls went merrily on their way
and attended teas, dressy open houses, luncheons, and "slumberless"
Nancy Ann Wrenn and Sue Trapnell were two of
the first to start off the social whirl. These SENIOR misses entertained
at a large open house at Nancy's beautiful Palmer Avenue home.
The guests included: Linda Bair, Allen Burris and Ann Spaulding,
Bob Danforth, Marcia Gruber with Buster Judy, Neil Haldeman and
Karen Rothrock, Betty Jane Lucius and Bill McConnell, Bill Barksdale,
Kay Persons, Bill Phillips, Chip Schram, Dave Rees, Ronnie Peacock,
Steve Grantham, George Fisher, Johnny Cash, John Bowman, Elmer
Bohannon and Carla York, Tommy Bledsoe, Terry Williams, Sari de
Holzcer, Carole Hoelle, Jeannie Jones with Jay Landers, and so
many more!
It wasn't long before anticipation grew for
the Christmas formal held on Dec. 21 at the Bah Temple in Orlando.
Cute Linda Wentworth was the hostess at a breakfast after the
dance. Seen eating were: Bill Copley and JoAnn Ross, Susan Chace
and Jim Harmeling, Loni Abbotts with Dan Hameling, Mary Jane Ezzard
and "Merv", Susan Carter and Chan Muller, Shirley Aners
with Larry Finley, Mary Carter and Jon Spradley, and Connie Shoup
with Chet Cornwall.
While these lucky ones enjoyed a "free
meal", others were seen digging into the delicious and gigantic
desserts at Ronnie's. Among these hungry ones were, Barb McCartney
and Julius Mullins, Linda Schmidt and Ron Peacock, Maurine Doggett
with Ed Fishback, and Judy Teague and Jim Henry.
Along came another open house and this time
darling Julie Baldwin was the hostess. Perky McKim, Margaret Whittaker,
Danny Harmeling, alumni Tommy Woodruff, Larry Elam, Juli Reams,
and Donna Shaw were just several of the many who were invited
to join in the fun at Julie's
Oh, and let me not forget about the small Christmas
party at the O.A.F.B. on Dec. 22. Those who attended were Joyce
Jones and Johnny Ridenour, Nancy Ann Wrenn and Richard Aaron,
Helen Grabber and Rick Miller, Donna Mueller with Bill Barksdale,
Susan Graves and Dave Riddle, Scooter Martina and Andy Spengler,
and Sharon Penny with David Ellis-Brown.
On the 23rd, the Orlando Youth Center had their
annual Christmas Dance. Seen dancing were Kevin McPherson, Ned
Whitner and Janet Squillante, Roy David and Sharon Penny, Jay
Stephenson and Lynn Morrow, Kay Persons and Ed Fishback, Rosemarie
Vardell with Tommy Seals, Russ Buhl and Anne Laing, and of course,
lots more.
Winter Park graduate Bob Clarke was host at
several small, informal get-togethers over the holiday season.
Attention: Amy Yule! Seems as if Miss Yule, an ex-Winter Parker,
who is now a college student in Boston, read ye old Wi-Pa-Hi-Sc,
and is quite upset because her name never appears in print, so,
Amy, old girl, read on . . . Amy Yule with Robustelli was seen
at one of Kea's (excuse the spelling, Bob) blasts! Others being
entertained were Sharon Spencer and Lee Maynard, "Tina",
David Day, Terry Eagan, "Spider" and "Philia",
Tommy Ross and Joyce Grimm, Sharon O'Neal and Chuck Washburn,
and "Cricket". Several Bo Diddley albums and that old
favorite, "Indian", provided the entertainment.
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