Senior class highlighted the entire holiday season with their
annual Alumni Christmas Formal at the Bahia Temple December
Miss Suzie Miller, queen, reigned over the
festive occasion while the couples danced to the music of Bill
Vater and his orchestra. The theme of Christmas was carried
out in every detail. The numerous tables were decorated with
small Christmas trees while the stage displayed an enormous
tree with blinking lights and gaily colored balls. The ceiling
was draped with red and white banners which scalloped towards
circling read balls in the center.
The most impressive part of the formal was
the red carpet (flown in from Miami especially for this evening
of splendor which was laid from the front entrance to the stage.
As the court was introduced, each girl and her escort proceeded
to walk the full length of the rug to be displayed before the
The anticipation of the new queen's identity
spread throughout the crowd before Ronnie Peacock, Vice President
of the Senior Class placed the crown on Suzie's head. Attending
the queen were flower bearer Jan Cook and crown bearer Fred
Schmidt. After the ceremony, Ronnie danced with Miss Miller
while all of her subjects looked on.
The success of this occasion was due largely
to the hard work of the following: refreshment, Bonnie Boone,
programs, Sharon Hayes, entertainment, Chip Schram, decorations,
Ronnie Peacock, court, Rosemarie Vardell and Jacque Cook.
By Chip Schram
losing to Leesburg and Bishop Moore earlier in the year, the Wildcat
cagers have started their winning streak. Winter Park defeated
the Colonial Grenadiers in the semifinals of the tournament by
a score of 63-45. Although the opposing team was ahead by one
point at half time, the Cats went into high gear with a full court
press sparked by Carl Dunn who scored 20 points. Of the 23 points
tallied in the first half, Dewey Ramsby was responsible for 13.
Dunn was high point man for the game with 21.
In the game against Bishop Moore, the Cats revenged
their six point defeat a week previously by the Hornets. Carl
Dunn paced the Cats to a 66-58 victory over Bishop Moore to cinch
the championship for the strong Winter Park team.

members from Mrs. Hill's third period English II class won representation
in the National Annual Anthology of High School Essays. Jan Kyle,
Leilani Brinkley, Francis Glover, Lynn Distelhorst, Mike Carson
and Randall Cook submitted the winning essays.
Mrs. Weissenburger's Junior winners in the contest
were Dianne Miller, Susan Graves, Bob Jadwin, Pat Erie, and Tom
'Til next time Cats . . . Let's go, go, go,
and beat Lakeview and Sanford!!!
game was one of the most exciting ever seen in the Davis Armory
during Championship play. Bishop Moore held the lead midway
in the first quarter by one point. Throughout the rest of the
game, Winter Park kept the lead and never yielded to the black
and gold Hornets of Orlando.
The largest margin in scoring came at the
whistle after Allen Burris sank two foul shots with 40 seconds
to go in the game. Collier, replacing injured Dewey Ramsby,
added two more and the Championship was to the Winter Park Wildcat
High Man on the wining team was Carl Dunn,
with a near record - breaking tally of 37 points. The old record,
40 points was set by Ronnie Cayll, the Bear, two years ago in
the game against Sanford.
Carl was over-all high man in the tournament
with 58 points in two games. Congratulations to Carl Dunn, the
Wi-Pa-Hi-Sc's outstanding player of the week.
