Meet Your
Cheer Leaders
by Nancy Ann Wrenn
year, the cheerleaders at Winter Park High School sponsor the Homecoming.
Senior cheerleaders are Sue Sturges, Linda Schmidt, Sandy Cash, and
Rosemary Vardell. The remainder of the squad are juniors Julie Haynie,
Judy Wingate, Jeanne Britt, Donna Mueller, Nancy Thompson and Marty
Jeanne Britt was in charge of decorations, using the
theme "Autumn Leaves", Sandy Cash and Rosemarie Vardell directed
the parade, Donna Mueller obtained the crown for the queen to wear,
and Sue Sturges hired the band, the "Playboys", to play for
the dance.
Junior Varsity cheerleaders pinch hit for the absentee
girls who were in the court. These Junior Varsity cheerleaders who cheered
Homecoming night were Phyllis Gallahue, Gail Cannon, Cheryl Lampe, Liz
Bennett, Judy Hopkins, an Peggy Frome.

Sponsor Dance
by Helen
annual Homecoming Dance was a great success and proved to be very gay
despite the loss to Sanford. Queen Sandy Cash reigned over the festivities
and the lovely court added much glamour to the occasion. The popular
Playboys entertained the crowd with the latest hits until 12:30, after
which everyone left, tired and weary, but all in happy spirits.
The gym was filled with many students. Among them
were Liz Bennett and Tim Bassler, Sharon May and Sam Harris, Marty Wellinger
and David Arnold, Mike Johns and Sue Montgomery, Tom Hughes and Jeannie
Britt, Donna Mueller and Tom Martino, Helen Grabber and Clark Lambert,
Fred Grinnell and Betsy Craigg, Sue Trapnell and Bob Danforth, Marcia
Gruber and David Sias, Greg Holland and Bobbie Sias.
Also, Julie Haynie and John Prevatt, Nancy Collins
and Alan Price, Mike Born and Mary Cash, Elnora Wright and Bruce Stewart,
Marcia Fosgate and Nat Turnbull, Rose Vardell and Carl Dunn, QUEEN SANDY
and Bill Lane, JoAnn Horvath and Dewey Ramsby, Joyce Jones and John
Ridenaur, John Bordley and Kath Browne, Heather Marwick and Don Griffin,
Net Whitner and Janet Squiliante.
Jo Ann Ross and Bill McGinnis, Julius Mullins and
Kathy Patch, Susan Chace and Jim Harmeling, Gary Dokter and Lynn Furr,
Bob Finfrock and Karen Rothrock, Tim Hartung and Judi Kirkpatrick, Steven
Van Ore and Marcia De Ment, Jim Loomis and Connie Oberlin, Sally Ross
and Charlie Johnson, Jeannie Jones and Scott Brown, Sue Sturges and
Butch Ouzts, Nancy Thompson and Ken Meyer were also seen. Even some
alumni graced us with their presence.
A radiant Sandy presided over a most successful dance,
and "A good time was had by all!"
Features Parade
by Pamme Anderson
year's Homecoming Parade was a real bang-up affair. Thirty-nine beautifully
decorated convertibles and "otherwise" took part in the festivities.
Decorations for the parade began soon after school
Friday, with crepe paper and masking tape overflowing Huntington Avenue.
The turn-out for the parade was excellent. Many enthusiastic
WPHS fans crowded the streets of Winter Park to see just what we had
put into the event.
Only three cars had to drop out of the parade. These
were the FNA car, the Sophomore class car and the Wheel Club car, with
Rosemarie Vardell as their sweetheart.
Orange and white were the colors seen flying from
all sorts of shiny, sleek cars. Attractively painted signs, denoting
the name of the represented organizations, were fastened to the sides
of each car. The attendants of the Homecoming court were the main part
of the parade. Each looked stunning in her formal gown, sitting on a
sleek convertible.
Cheering crowds, blowing horns, yelling students,
and just plain happy people added greatly to the splendor of a long-to-be-remembered
night, the Homecoming of 1960.
The game followed, and then the dance in the gym,
with "Autumn Leaves" as the theme.
