The Kilt publication, dated April 22, 1958, was provided to us by George Fisher. Headlines read "Students Elect Council Officers". Thanks for sharing, George!
Page 4
April 22, 1958
How Do You Think The School Could Be Improved?
GARY HOUMES: "Grass would be a big asset. It would hold the loose soil and make the campus look better."
SUE SEWELL: "Papers should be picked up around school. The lunchroom never seems really clean to me."
STANLEY MASON: "I think traffic conditions would improve if all the teachers parked their cars in the rear of the school and left the parking area for pick up traffic."
TOM LAWTON: "A covered corridor at the end of the East wing would east traffic in the Main Hall."
BILL COLLIER: "We need a gym!"

BILL TOPE: "Where is the track we were supposed to be getting?"
GEORGE FISHER: "The rule about lockers should be enforced...Lines should be painted down the center of the corridors so people walk on their own side."
BILL DICK: "We should have a swimming pool so the swimming team could start again."
How Do You Think The Increasing Number of Students Will Affect Glenridge?
TIM DARRAH: "Traffic in the corridors will become an increasing problem."
GAIL CANNON: "I think the seven new classrooms will take care of the extra students adequately."
JOHN CASH: "The cafeteria situation will be the big problem. There isn't enough room there with the students we have now."
NANCY COLLINS: "The automobile traffic control may have to be changed because of more students arriving and leaving school."
BILL COLLIER: "I don't think there will be many changes in Glenridge."
GARY HOUMES: "Classes will be enlarged and this will increase problems for the teachers."
PAM ANDERSON: "I think that if everyone cooperates there will be no difficulty."
Do You Favor A Friendly Relationship Between Teacher And Students Or A Stern One?
PAM ANDERSON: "Yes, it helps the student develop a sense of responsiveness."
TERRILL MALLORY: "Yes, the student is given more will to learn if he enjoys the presence of the teacher."
SUZY CUSHING: "I think a stern attitude provide a better learning situation. But I think a teacher should be stern and friendly at the same time.
MR. SEWELL: "I think a friendly relationship usually results in a better scholastic atmosphere. Students are more inclined to ask for help when they need it."
MR. ANSLEY: "It's according to the teacher and the class. I see no reason why the relationship can't be stern and friendly, too."
BUTCH OUZTS: "I think students are able to work better when they have a happy surrounding and they are able to discuss things with the teacher."
MR. BRIDGES: "Students seem to learn more under an enjoyable situation."
MISS ADAMS: "There should be a relaxed feeling in the classroom. The students determine how relaxed the class can be."