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     The National Honor Society is a school organi-zation for outstanding stu-dents in grades 7-8-9 of the regular Junior High School. The purpose of this society is to create an enthusiasm for superior scholarship; to develop loyal pupil citizen-ship; to stimulate a desire to serve faithfully one's school, community and country; to promote trust-worthy leader-ship and to instill exemplary qualities of character in the pupils of Glenridge Junior High School.

     Membership in this chapter shall be based on scholarship, school citizen-ship, service, leadership, and character. To be eligible to membership in this chapter, the student must have attended at least one semester in Glenridge. All pupils in the 8th and 9th grades who have a scholarship rank in the upper third of the class or have a scholarship average of B shall be eligible to candidacy in the Society. Their further eligibility shall then be considered on their school citizenship, service, leadership, and character. Any member who falls below the standards which were the basis for his election to the Society, his case shall be passed upon by the Faculty.

     To select members for this chapter, each member of the Faculty rates the students, eligible to membership, whom he has had in class or whom he knows personally in some school activity. Each rated on the basis of school citizenship, scholarship, service, leadership, and character. Each of these qualifications is given equal weight in the evalua-tion of the candidate.

     Membership in the National Honor Society is one of the highest honors which may be bestowed upon a student. It is an honor which every one may not attain but it is one for which everyone should strive.

The Staff for This Issue:
Editorial: Mrs. Sory, Mrs. Mixson, Mrs. Craig, Mrs. Lacey
Production: Miss Shiver, Mrs. Allen, Mrs. Mix-son, Mrs. Craig, Mrs. Lacey
Advertising: Dick Pechin, Dir-ector, assisted by Jimmy Colbert, Jack Sch-lendorf, Walter Cosgren, Lynda Bussells, Nancy Swartout, Connie Trimble
Reporters: Bill Hunkapiller, Danny Wiser, Jay Landers, Lynda Bussells, Nancy Swartout, Jean Mason, Robert Simmons, Robie Vestal, Jim Har-meling, Danny Harmeling, Mary Abendroth, Clau-dia Sowers, Mary Ann Pierce, Candy Trimble, Ellen DeLind, Becky Thornton, JoAnn Ross, Penny Sch-lotter, Jackie Cook, Bonnie Zim-merman.



     The Jr. Hi-Y has been formed this year to give the boys of Glenridge a Christian organization like that of the girls.

     The Hi-Y has joined the Hi-Y Council and the Y.M.C.A.

     When we had the festival, the Hi-Y had a booth and made some money.

     They will have their final meeting of the year next week which will be announced in the bulletin.


     In case you've been wondering about the lions on our masthead, they're from the Scottish shield and will be Glenridge's mascot. A noble beast, the lion; king of the jungle, dignified, fearless, and, of course, a terrific fighter---all of which makes him a fitting symbol of the kind of spirit our teams show in combat.