Glenridge Glee Club has just completed a very active and successful
season, culminated by the production - SUNBONNET GIRL - an operetta
in two acts, April 29.
Thirty-nine ninth grade boys and girls,
thirty-one eighth grade boys and girls, and the seventh grade chorus
under the direction of Mrs. Richard Weidley were responsible for
the outstanding success of this production.
The ninth and eighth grade group have
also given many concerts during the year; to the P.T.A., at the
Winter Park Christmas Sing, at various elementary schools and for
the Maine Club.
Grade Hi-Y, A Christian organization dedicated to the moral development
of young men, had an interesting year under the sponsorship of Mr.
Wayne Johnson.
Among the activities of the year were
a dance, a camping trip to Kissimmee, and a hayride.
This year's officers include: Ronnie
Buckmaster-president; Pudd Mudd-vice president; Richard Winslow-Secretary;
Richard Giannini-Treasurer; and Chip Schram-Chaplain.
Society, which was established at Glenridge in 1956, honors the
most outstanding students in the school. Members are chosen on the
basis of scholarship, citizenship, leadership, character and service.
Mrs. Mary Stebbins and Mr. Norman Kent are the sponsors.
The ninth grade members of this society
are Bonnie Boone, Ronald Buckmaster, Sandra Cash, David Eckhardt,
Mary Jane Ezzard, Sandra Flowers, Martha Grove, Nancy Lundahl, Charlotte
McKim, Ray Myers, Dewey Ramsby, Noralee Reicherts, JoAnn Ross, Linda
Schmidt, Steve VanOre, Richard Winslow, Mona Barnhart, Barbara Benson,
John Bordley, John Bowman, John Cash, Dick Childs, Maurine Doggett,
Al Fesus, Goerge Fisher, Greg Holland, Joanne Horvath, Glen Mason,
Max Morris, Chan Muller, Judy Reding, Sharon Spelzhausen, Carol
Skelton, Nancy Temple, Sue Tinklepaugh, Peter Wilson, and Pat Wind.
Eighth grade members include: David
Andrews, Betsy Craig, Judith Garren, Susan Graves, Valerie Herbine,
Lance Howden, Ann Jenkins, Tom Lawton, Dianne Loupee, Bob Mikesell,
Bob Reynolds, Jim Rich, Bob Ross, Barbara Rogers, Sharon Sindad,
Catherine Skinner, Joe H. Smith, Jim Stokes and Marty Wellinger.
Kilt Staff, under the direction of Mrs. Robert Craig, has produced
nineteen copies of the Glenridge paper this year. They are also
responsible for the production of this, the first issue of THE LION'S
The members of the journalism class,
who automatically became staff members, are compiling a CUB REPORTER'S
HANDBOOK for the benefit of future reporters.
The ninth grade members of the Kilt
Staff have been given recognition elsewhere in this book. The eighth
and seventh grade staff members are: Pam Anderson, Shirley Baldwin,
Judy Lee, Sue Sewell, Shirley Hall, Julie Mayer, Tim Bassler, Tim
Darrah, Gary Houmes, Terrilll Mallory, Stanley Mason, Richard Miller,
Alan Price, Nathan Oxhandler, Cathy Haburton, Jennifer Craig, Annette
Moore, Judy Nichols, James Armstrong, April MacDonald, Betsy Cragg,
Nancy Weber, Larilyn Swanson.