Smith assisted by Chip Schram and Buster Judy, really pulled
a "gooney" escapade not too long ago. These three
villains were in the Senior locker room doing their best
to flirt with Jeanne Britt when a stalwart female grabbed
Stu by the ear. All set for a friendly wrestling match,
he took her by the arm and gave it an affectionate twist.
Then, Mrs. Hill yelled for him to let go. Congratulations
Stu, the Wi-Pa-Hi-Sc names you it's Goon Boon this week!
You Imagine? |
Orr teaching typing..."
"Sandy Bowman not laughing..."
"Robin McKenzie quiet..."
"Sigrid and Richard not going out together..."
"Jane Mitchell without freckles..."
"Jackie Billingham short and fat (like
he used to be)..."
"George Bridges ugly..."
"Freddie Good in a dirty sweat shirt..."
Julius Mullins in the Chess Club..."
"Tim Hartung in horn rimmed glasses..."
"Sue Sturges with nothing to say..."
"Mr. Johnson married..."
"Coach Mosher unfriendly..." |
Pamme Anderson
A brief summary of the P.T.A. meeting held
in the auditorium on Monday, November 28th, would probably
dwell on the subject of funds that are needed in order that
we might be able to fulfill the Evaluation Committee's recommendations.
Probing into the matter a little further, we find more specific
topics of discussion.
Mrs. Jack Howden, acting as moderator of
a panel made up of members of our faculty, lead the discussion.
Others participating were: Mrs. Ramsdell, Mrs. Winslow, Mrs.
Blickman, Miss Wharton, and Mrs. Williams.
of us go to school 2,000 minutes each week??? There are 163
doors in Winter Park High School?? We drink 125 quarts of tea
every week?? It takes 69 steps to go from the cafeteria to the
main office?? There are 91 venetian blinds in this school??
And, last but not at all least, there are 35 tables in the cafeteria???? |
the most part, the conversation revolved around the subject
of enrichment. Mrs. Williams and Mrs. Winslow made a strong
plea for more concentration in this area. Mrs. Fitzpatrick
pointed out that a course in general music offered this year
couldn't materialize because only four students signed up
for it.
Mrs. Ramsdell stated that parents SHOULD
NOT stress a rigid academic program for their child because
many students are now carrying overloaded schedules and programs
which are resulting in the detriment of "all work and
no play."
library has recently received approximately 200 new books
for our reading pleasure.
The EDGE OF TOMORROW, one of these books,
by Doctor Thomas A. Dooley, is the exciting story of six
young Americans who travel without pay or material recompose
of any kind, to a remote part of the world in order to combat
the two greatest evils afflicting it; disease and communism.
At Nam Tha, Laos, 5 miles from Red China,
they built a small bamboo hospital on stilts. Despite anti-American
sentiment, so great was their desire to help overcome such
illness as leprosy, cholera, whooping cough, and dysentery
that these six determined that they could eventually win
the friendship of these people.
Do they overcome the anti-American sentiment?
Read Dr. Thomas A. Dooley's "EDGE OF TOMORROW."