senior class of Dearborn High in Dearborn, Mich., has a
new member. He is Giovanni Benardelli, an 18 - year old
American Field Service foreign exchange student from Trieste,
One of Miami High's seniors installed
a pedometer to satisfy his curiosity about how much mileage
he makes in a day's time walking to class. On an average
day his feet took him two and one-quarter miles, including
a detour to the cafeteria.
Members of the Chemistry II Class at Cocoa
High School recently visited Patrick Air Force Base. They
inspected the chemistry laboratory and the weather prediction
center. The tour was highlighted by demonstrations using
liquid oxygen and hydrogen.
The newest rage in Elkhart, Indiana, is
making "pickle - sickles". All you do is freeze
some dill pickle juice in ice cube trays or popsicle molds.
Then try one!
Sue Sturges
of news this week, so, without further adeu, I'll begin! Dorinda
Duncan gave a large party in the Fin Room of the Officer's
Club at O.A.F.B. on November 26. This dressy affair was attended
by about 90 sophomores, juniors, and SENIORS! Seems as if
the bartender as kept busy serving "Shirley Temples"
and "Pink Ladies", 2 delicious non-intoxicating
drinks. The guests also enjoyed thick, jucy hamburgers, potato
chips, and other refreshments. A jukebox furnished the music
for the energetic dancers. Lots of fun was had by all!
Twila Kirkland, Clare Harrold, and Jean
Boyd were the honorees at a birthday party attended by Lynn
Hutson, Nannette Nelson, Judy Armstrong, Carole Hart, Monica
Goubaud, Phyllis Romita, Karen Sue Warren, Corrine Jordan,
and Chira Kirland.
White hostessed at a small, informal get-to-gether over the
Thanksgiving holidays. Porter Spangler was Sharon's date while
others attending were: Susan Chace and Jim Harmeling, Jeannie
Jones and Danny Wiser, Rosemarie Vardell and Tommy Seals,
Suzie Miller and Bob Wiser, and Suzie Gray and Tommy Gibbs.
Wonder why Lynn Furr wants to take a trip
to Las Vegas? Remember Lynn, don't gamble with Love!
What is the strange nick-name that Ken Minameyer
and Charlie Matthews have for Carole Giddens? Better hush-up
Don't forget to buy your Christmas greetings
now! They'll only be on sale one more day--so hurry!
Bye bye--Stay Happy!