holidays are over and the alumni certainly have left their impressions.
They made an impressive showing at the Christmas formal. Jeannie
Jones and Tom Righetti, Charlene Peters and Ronnie Caloss, Judy
Crawford and Ronnie Cayll, Susie Gray and Tommy Gibbs, Sharon
White and Tommy Woodruff, and Danny Wiser with Judy Reding were
among the merry-makers.
Of course everyone came out on New Year's Eve.
Bill Winderweedle had a fabulous party which almost all of the
'59 graduates and their dates attended.
Tommy Woodruff and Bob Clerk also entertained.
Taking in many of the parties were Carol Cubbedge and George Sprinkle,
Chuck Washburn and Sharon O'Neal, Sue Sturges with David Day,
Bill Joy and Barbara Keller, Jean Welch and John Jane and Pat
Congratulations go out to Carrington Sharp who
was married to Bill Sheets last Friday in the Episcopal Church.
& Fashions
Molly Miltonberle
holiday season always brings with it a flood of new fashions.
The girls welcome any occasion to dress up, and this year the
boys were right along with them in the "dress up" department.
Keith Caldwell sure looked sharp in his black
and white plaid sports coat and black slacks, while Woody Leonard
sported a "Perry Como" sweater with charcoal gray and
red stripes.
David Ellis-Brown certainly was debonair in
his orion vest with the red and black border trim. A little dressier
was good-looking Greg Holland in a white dress shirt with an Ivy
League diagonal stripped tie and black slacks. Mike Dean really
looked good in a striking pastel plaid sports jacket and charcoal
gray slacks.
Back to "women's wear"! Helen Whittington
at the Christmas formal was so very chic in her long formal sheath
of a heavy brocade. This stunning gown had an Oriental look which
was most becoming to tall, attractive Miss Whittington.
Mueller was a hit over the holidays in her emerald green sheath
with very puffed sleeves. Heels dyed to match made this a beautiful
Sue Sturges turned up at Donna and Helen's
party in a black velveteen dress with a scooped neck and embroidered
trip on the full skirt. Pearl teardrop earrings and black suede
heels completed her ensemble.
Mary Cash and Linda Schmidt are now sporting
almost identical pale green leather jackets, while Jean Welch
is the owner of a three-quarter length cream colored corduroy
sports coat.
As far as fashions and fads go up North, the
gals are wearing Kilties, known as knee-ticklers down here,
which in reality are "thigh ticklers" and very large
sized boys bulky knit sweaters, usually in size 42, no mater
how tiny the girl is. These warmish outfits are accompanied
by leotards in all colors.
In Virginia, Capezios are out, saddle shoes
are in and as skorts and other short skirts.
That's it for now, keep up the good looks!

Year's Eve Ball Swings
Orlando Youth Center was the scene for a gala New Year's Eve Ball
which many of the Cats attended to represent their Alma Mater. The
Impalas entertained for the kids from 9 til 1. Decorations, extravagance
and beautiful, included a rocket suspended in the air which advanced
toward the middle of the floor as the evening progressed. At midnight,
the "baby new year" appeared. And then there was NOISE!
Armed with horns, noisemakers, hats, balloons, confetti and just
plain hot air, the happy teens tore the roof off the O.Y.C.! With
cries of "Happy New Year!" and a kiss for every member
of the opposite sex, the new year was ushered in
The gang from W.P.H.S. included Ann Spaulding
and Allen Burris, Mike Mosher and JoAnn Horvath, Mary Cash and Bill
Collier, Donna Mueller and Mike Dean, Keith Caldwell and Carole
Lober, Sharon May and Sam Harris, Prudy Huber and Jim McCord, Bill
Phillips and Bee Webber, Bill Ronay and Arlyn Menk. |
Frank Ferguson and Donna Franklin,
Jim Ferguson and Sheila Cummings, Jay Stephenson and Lynn Morrow,
Chip Schram and Linda Lyon, Art Miller and Betty Jane Gable, Dave
Smith and Gail Cannon, Jeannie Britt and Jim Stokes, Bill Schwartz
and Helen Grabber, Fred Grinnell and Ann Jenkins and many, many
"Stag Cats" taking advantage of the
New Year kisses were Jim Caccavo, Gary Houmes, Mike Mercer, Hank
Marks, Rich Winslow, Chuck Libby, Jay Gustafson and Bob Miksell.
Four schools participated in the talent show which
was won by a "hula hula" girl from Colonial, Winter Park
was hilariously represented by Jim (Jose) Caccavo and Jay Stephenson.
Congratulations on a great job, fellas!
The big night comes but once a year, and the dimly
lit Youth Center was a perfect place to celebrate. Wheeee!!!! What
a night!!!!! |
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