10, 1961, is the important date Martin Company has set for all
students interested in obtaining a scholarship to complete their
College Entrance Examination Board tests.
These students should apply to several schools
for enrollment at an early date to insure acceptance, and then
request help from their high school counselor in filling out
and forwarding a Martin scholarship form. These should be mailed
before April 1 of each year and should contain the test scores.
As Martin Company long ago realized the importance
of education and the challenges of the modern space age, they
created a program to make higher education available to more
These scholarship opportunities are available
to eligible students from the geographic areas near Martin operations.
More than a dozen awards are made each year, with six scholarships
offered to students who attend any accredited college or university
approved by the scholarship committee for study of fields identified
with the Martin Company.
Further information is available from the
guidance office, from the individual Martin plants, or directly
from the Chairman of The Martin Company Foundation Scholarship
Committee at the Martin Company, Baltimore 3, Maryland. Those
of you who are interested, look into this scholarship immediately.

For '61
Helen Grabber
that time of year again, cats. Have you thrown out y our old
calendar? Bought a new engagement book to record all the exciting
things coming up? Realized that you've reached the last page
of your diary and will have to run down to Bradford's and get
a new one to pour your heart and soul into? And have you maddeningly
been writing January--, 1960 on every single paper you hand
in? It's really hard to get used to a brand new year.
Now's the time to decide that you'll stop
stealing your little brother's football helmet to cover your
pin curls; or your mother's best towel to wipe the grease off
your buggy's motor. And to swear that you'll do that Chemistry
before you settle down to watch "Surfside Six". Of
course you promise yourself there'll be no more hour-long gabfests
with your best friend; no more quick stops at the "Steak
n' Shake" to get just that; no more buying 6 pairs of slim
jims on next year's allowance or 10 of Preston Epp's latest
L.P.'s; and a general mass of what are laughingly called resolutions!
(You're about as resolved to them as you are to the idea of
lending out your newest Cashmere sweater!)
All of us are given a chance to start out
fresh in a new year, and to really make something out of it.
Try smiling at everybody (not just the dreamboat who sits behind
you in English class); and try complimenting people on something
about themselves, (even if they're wearing the most nauseous
shade of green you've ever seen); and give-in for a change,
instead of sulking when you don't get your way but the other
guy does instead of yourself. Bet you'll have a happier new

By Mrs.
wishing everybody a happy and successful New Year. Instead of
any words of wisdom from my pen, I should like to offer the
following, author unknown, which merits your serious consideration.
. . . Now about this matter of making choices . . . "
Success in life is a matter of making the
right choices. Every day and many times a day you choose to
do something or not to do it.
You may blame others, you may blame conditions,
and you may even fool yourself; but you choose success or failure.
Choosing one thing or one direction may become
a habit. You may choose what you will dream about. Choose wisely.
Most people choose to follow a crowd; that is what makes a crowd.
You cannot avoid choosing by letting the crowd decide. You choose
to follow.
Choosing is a great privilege. You can choose
to think things through or to obey an impulse... to do things
that bring joy or happiness in the long run, or to do those
things which bring sorrow in the years to come. You may make
the shortsighted choice that brings only temporary satisfaction
-- then regret.
A wise old Greek said that in the market of
the gods all things are sold. He was saying that you can buy
what you choose to buy.
You may choose what you plan to accomplish
in life and decide how hard you will drive toward achieving
it. To a surprising degree you can choose your health, wealth,
and happiness.
You can choose plain living and high thinking
-- filling each unforgiving minute; or you can just live from
day to day.
Choose -- and remember your choices affect
your life.