. . 12-D has the most absences of any homeroom in school?
. . . The paint on the fire hose box in the 300
building, put there by last year's SENIORS, is still there!?
. . . Mrs. Hill has 221 books on one shelf in
her room!?
. . . Somebody has misinterpreted "press
room" sign on the door of the Wi-Pa-Hi-Sc No! We are not tailors!!
. . . There are only 60 locks out of 160 lockers
in the SENIOR (?) locker room!?
Scoop: there are only 6 more weeks until the Prom and only 10 weeks
until graduation!!!
By Donna Newberry
unofficial club has made its debut at WPHS the "Stork
Club". (Don't stop reading now we don't want you to
get the wrong impression.) It seems several of our Seniors have
recently become older brothers or sisters after a lapse of several
years. (Could it be their mothers are taking Super Geritol?) Bound
together by now - common - interests, they have unofficially formed
the "Stock's Club". Members may be identified by their
not-infrequent displays of recent photos of the "little darling"
or if you listen closely, you may be able to hear several times,
"Guess what little did today!" Nevertheless,
these doting sisters (and brother in one case yes, YOU TIM
HARTUNG!") are extremely proud of the new additions. Charter
members include JoAnn Ross (her 13 month old sister makes her eligible),
Suzie Gray (a 2 yr. old brother), Tim H. with his year old sister,
Jackie Cottrell, and her brand-new baby brother, and this reporter
who has a two-month old baby brother. If you qualify for membership,
contact any of the charger members (P.S. Did I show you the new
pictures I have of the baby.)
making fine progress ... this is a once in a life time opportunity
... see Jeanne Britt as an innocent, naive mixed-up young girl who
"Can't Say No!" Don't miss Vic Whitehurst with his pink
Chiffon scarf as the peddler who woos all the young ladies with
his insurmountable charm ... Don't miss the real surry ... Don't
miss the box social ... Don't miss "OKLAHOMA" March
25 an 26. Tickets are on sale now.
Contest Held
Vogue Fashion Contest was held last Thursday, and many girls from
W.P.H.S. entered their talents. Participants included Suzanne MacMillan,
Lynn Ricks, Annette Moore, Annette McDougal, and Arlynn Menk. Each
girl modeled the clothing which they made themselves from Vogue patterns.
The winner was Suzanne MacMillan. Suzanne looked
smart wearing a light blue, polished cotton sheath. The dress was
sleeveless, had a scoop neck and could be worn with either a blue
organdy plain bolera, or a white organdy redingote which was knee
length. Congratulations to Suzanne who certainly
did a great job!! |
by The Count
Gordon has chosen Winter Park High's 1961 baseball team. The roster
is as follows: Pitchers - Williams, Billingham, Benton, Hibbard,
Matthews; Catchers - Hartung, Johnes, Winslow; Infielders - Burris,
Haldemann, Collier, Ramsby, Danforth, Stephenson, Betsinger; Outfielders
- Cash, Bryan; Utility - Leish, Higgins. Their first game is scheduled
for March 17 when the Wildcats meet Deland at Deland. The game starts
at 7:30. On March 18, at 1:30, Boone challenges the Cats for our
first home game.
Jack Langford's dynamic assembly last week has had a very strong
and admirable affect on the student body. The Student Council is
aiding the Commander's cause by attempting to sponsor him on local
television. A special meeting of the S. C. voted unanimously for
this project. Anyone who can aid in this TV project (someone with
special "pull") please contact me (Count Schwartz) or
S.C. Pres. Bill McGinnis.
the way, Susi, thanks for wearing the tight skirt -- The Count!
By Barbara
Friday, the 10th of March the WPHS chapter of the National Honor Society
tapped 27 members of the student body.
Larry Elam, president of the chapter, spoke first
on the history of the society. In December of 1776 William and Mary
College established the Phi Beta Kappa honorary society for exceptional
work in the field of Scholarship. In 1921 a group of educators decided
that all high schools should have a similar society, so The National
Honor Society was organized.
Speaking for Scholarship was Bill McGinnis; for
Leadership Susan Carter; for Character, Donna Newberry; and for Service,
Maurine Doggett.
Those students tapped were: Seniors; Chan Muller,
David Herold, Ann Spaulding, Mary Jane Ezzard, Susan Chace, Bill Phillips,
Richard Herold, Sue Tinklepaugh, Sheilah Clark, Carol Skelton, Joyce
Gillingham, Nancy Lundahl, Frank Ferguson, Ed Fishback, Noralee Reicherts,
Ann Jenkins, John Hoche, Jim Stokes, Mary Holle, Tommy Lawton, and
Dianne Miller.
Congratulations to all of you. |
of Week
Peggy Sells comes to the WPHS English department from Edgewater where
she taught for four years.
Although born in Welch, West Virginia, she has been
a resident of Florida for the past five y ears and now claims it as
her adopted state.
Miss Sells graduated from West Virginia University in Morgantown,
West Virginia and then became interested in dramatics. She is now
locally identified with the Orlando Players.
Having gone through two plays with Miss Sells here
at WPHS, her classes have learned to "tread softly" at least
four days prior to the production. Familiar lines often heard and
sometimes shouted to her actors are: "Learn your lines."
"Speak more distinctly." "Stand so we can see you."
etc., etc., etc.
Congratulations to you, Miss Peggy Sells, for a
job well done. |