Girl's Swimming team is finally and officially in the water. The
boy's team has been swimming for several weeks but the girls, due
to lack of a place to work, have just begun their training. Trying
out are: Patsy Temple, Jeannie Britt, Bobbie Sias, Judy Schmidt,
Kathy Wobie, Candy Chartraw, Carol Sue Cozad, Marthabel Hussman,
JoAnn Ross, Sally Tyler, Polly Gouck, Barbara Nash, Jan Carroll,
Wanda Biggs, Ginny Rorby, Bobbie Dixon, Toni Swartout, Marty Grove,
Susan Caruso, Penny Clark, Sari de Holzer, Sandy Earl, Lynda Hallett,
Kay Hammock, Mary Hitchcock, Kathy Kircher, Judy Kirkpatrick, Tana
Lyon, Carol Morris, Lynn Morrow, Michelle Moulton, Donna Mueller,
Claudia Musselwhite, Emoke Papp, Charlotte Peregoy, Bee Weber, Leslie
White, and Sandra Willard.
Miss McGill, the coach, says that the team members
will probably be posted on Friday, March 10th.
The calendar of swimming meets is as follows:
at Eustis |
- Fern Creek Pool |
at Eustis |
Dora at Mt. Dora |
at Leesburg at 7:30 pm |
County Meet at Fern Creek Pool |
at Sanford |
Belt Conference - (Place undecided.) |
again 'tis time to "cast off" ... The beaches have surely
been lively lately Just a few weeks ago saw Tommy Masseabeau
with Pat George, Jolene Suslar, Susan Harris, Suzie Miller, Sandy
Cash and Bill Lane, Julie and Dewey, Jeannie Jones, Judy Reding, Sigrid
and Richard, Jeff Arnold, Sharon White, Judy Hayes, and many more
Parkers at New Smyrna.
Freddy and Charlyne are the cutest little couple
at school ... George Broyles had a party on Feb. 25 Among the
guests were Peggy Frome, Mike Born, Chip Furr, Joyce Jones, Roy Davis,
Ned Whitner, Pat Brown, Dick Wannal, Nina Andrews, and Kent Harmeling
... Hope it continues to be sunny the tanned faces brighten
up the halls ... Up periscope Who's Bill Collier dating now?
And it seems as if Jim Henry and Linda Tindall are
going strong again! ... Congratulations New Varsity cheerleaders!
... Won't be long before we get to hear Jeanne Britt sing "I
Can't Say No" in "Oklahoma" ... Like Pat Stephen's
dark beige skirt and blouse outfit ... Hope that Buster Judy is now
sufficiently recovered from his swollen brain and cracked vertebrae
... Girls, do you realize how close the prom is? And boys,
don't wait 'til the last minute to get your date ... Maryanne Watkins
surely is full of good humor.
Pat Warr has the liveliest blonde hair ... Who's
the new love Bino? ... Have you noticed Barbara Nash's eyes? ... Wanna
try something fun? Ride the Go-Karts They're great for
dates ... Jackie Cottrell has a new little brother ... "Let's
have a party" ... Jimmy Fleming is tall, blonde, and cute ...
Isn't Heather's hair "smashing"?
Quite a few Winter Park girls have developed a keen
interest in Winter Garden boys ... Diane Beiger and Bobby Cross were
asked to dance at the J.C. luncheon in Orlando ... Heard that BH gave
a very private party for him and PE George told me! ... Did
you see the parade of SENIOR girls marching into our hallowed halls
a few weeks back Keep up the good work GIRLS ... Sign out ...
Susi. |
Drops First
out for the guys that throw the shot put, because they're all winners.
In the track meet against Boone, Clark Lambert, Jimmy Fleming and
Frank Ferguson, finished in one-two-three order respectively.
first place winners were Richard Giannini with a discus throw of 136'-9"
and the spring medley relay team composed of Leslie King, Eric Firchow,
Jim Rich and Pat Phillips.
place winners were Bill Hoffman on the mile run, Larry Elam in the
440 yd. dash, and John Prevatt who scored ten feet to place in the
pole vault.
place winners were Bill Michaels who sprinted in the 100 yd. dash,
Jim Rich in the 440 yd. dash, Jim Fleming in the broad jump and Leslie
King who jumped in the high jump division.
to all you point makers on your first track meet of the 1961 season.
The Boone Braves won the track meet by a mounting score of 87-1/2
to 35-1/2.
all support the spring sports to our fullest. The teams will be most
appreciative. |
A JOB???
By Donna Mueller
students! I'm beginning to hear those familiar somments around school
again this year concerning the fact that summer jobs are going to
be in great demand.
For many, the summer job outlook is often discouraging,
but it need not be. No, if you have imagination, initiative or ingenuity,
you can have a summer job before tomorrow morning. Why not make
one of your own??? Every year more and more fellows and girls do
just this, and they find it to provide not only FUN, but FORTUNE!!!
Quoting a New York vacation counselor, "Why
not hit the bottle the right way this summer and actually
make it pay off. One girl I heard about made attractive lamps out
of old bottles. Her lamps made unique gifts and wonderful souveniors
for those out-of-town visitors to take back to friends and relatives.
Another girl, made her visits to the beach pay off by collecting
pop bottles and turning them in for the refund. But, again, these
just may not be the type of jobs you're looking for. All right,
here's another suggestion. One boy in New York's Westchester County
opened a "dog-sitting" business. The boy offered to take
care of dogs, cats, parakeets, and goldfish for people on vacation.
It turned out to be a booming business. The local newspaper editor
was so intrigued by the idea that he gave the boy free publicity.
One summer job open to all high school and college
students is direct-to-consumer selling, also known as door-to-door
canvassing. It's a business not hard to enter, and there is no special
training or experience needed. You sell on a commission basis, and
the more you sell, the more you earn. The advantage of this type
of job is that you can put in as many hours as you wish, and you
can continue selling throughout the school year if necessary. If
none of these jobs apply to your needs, the old stand by of baby-sitting
is always on demand. It seems the world never runs out of that "need."
Smashes Boone
By Chip Schram
Wildcats tennis team won their first match of the season over Boone
by a score of 8-4. The boys split their half of possible wins with
the boys from Boone, but the girls from Winter Park made up the difference
by whipping the girls by a score of 4-1.
in the boys division were Rickey Chace over Chris Fields 6-1, 705,
the other single winner was Randy Hall who defeated John Ariko 6-3,
6-3. Dick Bergen and Allan Price teamed up and defeated Mike Smith
and George Wickham in a doubles match, 7-5, 6-3.
the girls division it was Maurine Doggett all the way. Maurine defeated
Cathy Rice 6-2, 6-2, while Betsy Craig did her bit by stunning Peggy
Cody, 6-0, 6-2.
the girls double division Maurine Doggett and Barbara Steal defeated
Cathy Rice and Betsy Gantt, 6-0, 6-0. Other winners were Betsy Craig
and Toby Tate over Mona Warren and Caty Fieldus by 6-2, 6-3. Senior
Linda Wentworth and Nina Andreys made up a nice pair as they defeated
Judy Anderson and Judy White 6-0, 6-3.
at Edgewater |
Moore at Rollins |
at Rollins |
Military Academy at DeLand |
at Leesburg |
Tournament at Gainesville |
at Rollins |
Military Academy at Rollins |
Moore at Rollins |
Moore at Orlando Tennis Courts |
at Rollins |
Moore at Orlando Tennis Courts |
so now you've decided to teach a Polynesian cooking class or fabricate
custom built bird houses. Your next question will probably be, "How
do I get customers?" There are several different ways. Have business
cards or circulars printed, and hand them out to neighbors and friends.
If your idea is original ask the editor of the local paper to give
you a plug. Also, put an attractive sign on your front lawn or in
the window. But the best way to drum up business it by way of the
satisfied customer. Get a few people who are pleased with your work,
and the word will spread you'll be surprised how rapidly
Then, my friends, You're In Business!!!! |