OF F Sponsors
Science Program
University of Florida would like to know if there is a potential
Jonas Salk, Linus Pauling, or Albert Einstein in chemistry or physics
classes. In the event that there is, the University is offering
a special summer science program which gives twenty-five high school
juniors an opportunity to explore the multitude laboratory projects
that are under way at the University. These projects include cancer
research, radio astronomy, electronics and animal research in many
Students who are interested must be recommended
by both principal and their science teacher in order to be eligible.
The Summer Science Program is scheduled from June
19, to August 11. The fortunate students who are selected will live
in dormatories on the campus. The total expense is estimated at
$272.00 for the full session. A large portion of this expense will
be taken from funds donated by the National Science Foundation,
however, it is hoped that the county will share the rest of the
Information and applications may be obtained from
the principal's office, the science department or by writing directly
to Dr. Luther A. Arnold, Director, SNF Summer Science Program, 143
Norman Hall, University of Florida, Gainesville. Applications must
be in no later than April 1, 1961.
By Jay Stephenson
back again to the ole hole in the wall. This is your ole Deputy
Dawg bringing you some very interesting "brick-braque and bouquets"
but don't forget that the opinions expressed in this column are
not necessarily mine. This is your column, if you have a gripe or
want to express your thanks just drop your letter in the Wi-Pa-Hi-Sc
Box in the cafeteria and who knows, maybe your comments will be
published. Well here goes:
a certain algebra I and II teacher realize he has a certain "Spanish
Foreign Exchange" student, Jose' doesn't seem to be doing well!
Why do the majority of teachers persist in giving
tests on the same day?
Why are some girls at W.P.H.S. so afraid to be
"natural?" It seems to me that many new and exciting personalities
would be discovered if these girls would be "themselves."
have a brain wracker for those of you who are still not sick of
those multiple choice questions. This test is designed to MAKE you
get sick of them.
Question: What Would You Do If You Fell For A Penguin?
the Polar Bear Club? |
yourself a new dress? |
yourself up? |
at yourself again in the mirror? |
let my imagination run wild again the other day -- it's generally
the only imagination in captivity. I came up with some startling
conclusions ... What If...
Bill Barksdale were Bill Woofsdale?
John Cash were John Credit?
Bob Dallas were Bob Texas?
David Doolittle were David Donothing?
David Farr were David Nearr?
Ed Fishback were Ed Turtlefront?
Gene Mooney were Gene Sunny?
James Tweedy were James Wooly?
Bonnie Boone were Bonnie Edgewater?
Maurine Doggett were Maurine Catit?
Linda Merhill were Linda Mervalley?
At this point, I was fortunate enough to capture
my imagination, so that's all I was able to get this week!
(continued) Why
don't we have a larger selection of languages here. Why not French
III and IV, Russian I and even Chinese.
Is National Honor Society living up to its true
concept for membership qualifications? Good grades (not top) should
make students eligible if said students display the other three qualities:
Leadership, Character an Service?
Why doesn't WPHS have a girl's track team? This
would help to keep the gals in shape too.
Before people vote for various honors or officers
why don't they thank about whom they are voting for instead of voting
for just a name that is well-known around the school?
Well, that's all for now folks. Like be warm be
cool and if it turns around don't look. |
hear that Mike Kelley, the Junior class President has been in the
hospital with Mononucleosis. We had hoped it was the mumps but ...
From his bed side he still seems to be carrying on "business
quite as usual." He is working on Prom plans, keeping up with
studies, receiving visitors, and, above all, getting the prescribed
rest. |
& Fashions
spring has sprung, more people are headed for the beach and that
fabulous sun at Daytona. Evidently 2-piece bathing suits are in
Vogue, and they are built for comfort as well as beauty this year.
We spotted Carole Cubbedge wearing a very becoming blue and white
striped job, Sue Sturges in a black 2-piece which was very smart,
as was Donna Frome in a bow trimmed swim suit. Light yellow, blue,
purple and orange are among the pastel colors that make suits outstanding
this year.
Since it's getting near Easter time, all the girls
are out looking for their Easter outfits. Thought I'd drop a few
hints. Navy is still the favorite for the occasion. A smart navy
silk suit, dressed up with pearls is always chic. Many fashion-conscious
people still stay close to tailored clothes at Easter. The tiny
box hat is still "tops". The Easter bonnet, bedecked with
flowers is still the traditional choice for the Easter Parade.
By Annette Moore
how time flies -- cheerleading tryout time has come and gone. Sophomore
JV cheerleaders who jumped and cheered their way to varsity status
last week are Peggy Frome, Mary Cash, and Bobbie Sias. Congratulations
to these gals.
Having your sixteenth birthday in March seems to
be a fad among the sophomores. Besides those "Sweet 16ers"
mentioned last week, Tom Prince and Gil Smith also celebrated their
sixteenth birthdays last wekend. Many Happy Returns!!!
10-E is at it again -- this time in basketball.
In reply to a challenge from Miss Barfield's room, 10E solidly trounced
them in basketball. Mr. Johnson's and Miss Barfield's girls will clash
in a basketballchallenge later in the week. |
Three WP Students
- Three Winter Park students at Florida Southern College here are
among the 50 new pledges of ten fraternities following annual Spring
Rush Week.
They are: Joseph P. Rutland, Jr., Sigma Chi, son
of Mrs. and Mrs. Joseph Rutland, 150 Highland Road; Roger William
Holler, Pi Kappa Alpha, son of Mrs. and Mrs. R. W. Holler, 2130 Fawcett
Road, and Richard Ross Laing, Kappa Alpha, son of Mrs. R. R. Laing,
2204 Fosgate Drive. |