By Chip
Winter Park Wildcat track team placed second in the county meet
held at Boone. Boone placed first with 104-1/2 points followed
by Winter Park with 63-1/2 points. Other teams on the totem pole
were Colonial, Edgewater, Apopka, Evans and Ocoee.
Greg Holland broke both the WPHS and country
record in the 440 yard dash with a time of 52.4 seconds. Ray Myers,
Jim Fleming, Pat Phillips and Larry Elam made up the sprint medley
relay which won first place. (Thanks to that extra sprint put
on by Larry when he dove cross it to win the event. Truly this
was the finest example of athletic ingenuity.) Jim Fleming won
first place in the shot put to give the team an extra five point
Bill Hoffman placed second in the mile run.
Dunn jumped 5' 7" for a second in the high jump. Giannini
heaved the discus for a second. Frank Ferguson places second in
the shot put. Myers, Firchow, Elam and Holland made up the second
place team in the mile relay.
Up to the Orange Belt Conference, the "thinclads"
have a grand total of 913 1/6 points to set a new school record
in total team points. There are still three more meets to go till
the regular season is over. So it is safe to say that the record
set in '61 will not be broken for some time to come. There is
a race developing between the boys for individual points. Top
men are Fleming, Michaels, Ferguson, Myers and Holland.
From the Green turf of golf land, we hear that
our own Gary Schroeder is No. 10 man in the state. Congratulations
Gary!! The only team activity up till this date has been with
Leesburg and that was still another triumph for the Wildcat Athletic
Department headed up by Coach Orr.
Robin McKenzie
alumni set are making marriage headlines. Getting ready to take
the "big step" are: Tommy Cushing, class of '59; Brenda
Bibb, class of '60; Harriet Tillson, class of '59; and for the
big surprise...prepare yourself...Lynda (I'll never get married)
Bussels, class of '60 and former Editor of the Wi-Pa-Hi-Sc. Her
husband-to-be is Don Nance, from Chattanooga, Tennessee. He is
attending FSU on a football scholarship. Good luck to all of you!!
Jean Sias Saunders has a darling baby boy called
Pat Clarke has been invited up to Vanderbilt
by Bob Crane for "Shipwrecked Weekend."
We sure would like to have more alumni news
for ya'll to read each week.
Bradford, one of our top students, has been named recipient of
a National Merit Scholarship. This is a sequel honor, as she is
the only person in this county to receive this award.
Jean and 5 other WPHS students were among the
10,000 finalists in this country. This was narrowed down to the
750 who received scholarships.
Only seventeen scholarships were awarded to
students in Florida. Winter Park is proud of you, Jean!
does Sharon May, a senior at W.P.H.S. want to become a teacher?"
Sharon expressed her ambitions in an essay which took first place
in the district level contest. Sharon is presently an active member
in the Future Teachers of America.
Summer school will be held this year
at Edgewater High School from June 19 th August 4. School days
will be on weekdays and one Saturday, July 8.
Among the courses being offered are speed reading,
German, Eng. I-IV, various mathematics, sciences, social studies,
and remedial courses.
There will be 3 classes available a day; the
first beginning at 8 and ending at 9:10; the second from 9:15
to 10:25; and the third from 10:35 to 11:45.
Registration blanks may be secured from the
office, and final registration will be at Edgewater High School
on June 15-16 from 8-12 a.m.
Mr. Fitz reminds everyone that if you are taking
a course for the first time, you must have the principal's permission.
Happy days are here again!
Boon Award!
coveted award this week goes to Paula Banzaf, who in an attempt
to prove the old saying that haste makes waste is not true, disproved
it completely. It seems that Paula, who was a little late getting
out of chemistry, was running to Home Ed. (and running is exactly
what she was doing). Unfortunately, she didn't quite make it --
she fell! There she was, wearing her chemistry apron, sitting
in the hall, surrounded by books, pencils, and papers. Moral:
Mind your clichés because they really mean what they say.
Congrats, Paula.