S.S.S. Tri-Hi-Y, the Junior girl's club, is staging a twerp twirl
on Saturday night, November 19, in the Winter Park High School gym.
The dance will be a grand finale' to a money making project the girls
held earlier in the day. The girls pay for their dates' admission,
and some girls even go to such extremes as driving their dates, and
opening doors for them! Admission will be charged according to the
weight of the masculine member of a couple. For example, 50 cents
for the first 50 pounds and a penny for each twn pounds thereafter
will be charged.
So, you gals get your dates and come support the
S.S.S. Tri-Hi-Y in their Twerp Twirl and money making project, but
be sure to get a boy who doesn't weight too much! |
Nearly 500 students at Robert E.
Lee High in Jacksonville were doubly privileged to attend rallies
in Jacksonville for Vice-president Nixon and Senator Kennedy. Many
students shook hands and got the autographs of the candidates.
At Johnson High School in Tokyo, an assembly was
held to help inform students of our American heritage and political
parties and campaigns. Skits about Nixon and Kennedy were included
in this program.
Richard Nixon was elected president by a narrow
margin by Johnson High School students in a mock election held last
week. The purpose of the election was to give the student body the
experience of voting.
Here is something different! Members of the third
year Latin class recently observed the 2039th birthday of the Latin
poet Virgil. After singing "Happy Birthday" to Virgil, the
Romans ended the celebration by eating cake in his honor, minus the
candles, of course! |
"Now dear, apply yourself. You're
not doing your best. Try a little harder this six weeks." This
is a too-often-enough-heard phrase by most of us students. But ask
yourself in all fairness, "Isn't it important enough to worry
Far too many of today's high school students take
education for granted. It is, figuratively speaking, handed to them
on a silver platter, and is something for them to either take advantage
of and open doors in future opportunities, or reject and later regret.
High school education is not half as difficult or
complex as some students would indicate it to be. If one really puts
himself into the swing of it, he will soon learn that besides being
so valuable, education can also be a mighty enjoyable thing.
Too few students know the thrill and pride that
accompanies an "A" or "B" paper. And to be even
more honest, too few students care.
Social life is surely an essential part of youth, for it helps to
round out and develop one's personality. But too much social life
and too little emphasis on schoolwork can and will result in a drastic
situation. However, if every WPHS Student puts as much effort into
furthering his education, as he puts into trying to advance socially,
he would be both amazed and overjoyed with the results.
Your high school years are the most crucial, trying,
yet important years of your entire life. It is during these years
that you will decide upon a possible career or vocation. It is also
in these years that you will form standards and habits which will
be identified with your character for the rest of your life. Get a
good start NOW, and LUCK TO YOU!!! |
Class News
The Senior Class announces that the
annual Christmas Alumnae Dance will be held at the Bahia Temple on
December 21st. The time is from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Alumnae and Seniors
have free admission. Any guest or underclassmen must have a ticket.
These will be available at a later date in the main office for $2.50.
There is a new ruling concerning the Christmas Court.
Only Seniors may participate. Those girls who were in the Homecoming
Court are ineligible for the Christmas Court. Nominations
won't be until December, but all you Seniors should start thinking
about that "special beauty" for your Queen.
The Student Council seems to be giving most of the
attention during recent meetings to Senior Privileges. But with all
their efforts, we Seniors are none better as far as our privileges
are concerned. Student Council, what's the matter? How soon can the
student body expect to vote on those proposals?
Seniors will be interested to know that graduation
announcements have been chosen. Last week, the Senior Class officers
met with Mr. Wilson and our friendly salesman, Mr. Smith, to select
a particular type of announcement. A sample of the announcement cards
will be on display later in the year, at which time they may be ordered. |