WI-PA-HI-SC dated November 3, 1960, was made available to us by Perky McKim. Thanks for sharing!
WI - PA - HI - SC
NOVEMBER 3, 1960
United  Appeal  Drive  At  WPHS

Journal Staff
Ann Spaulding
Associate Editor
Helen Grabber
Sports Editor
Stuart Smith
Society & Fashion
Sue Sturges
Exchange Editor
Barbara Richardson
Cub Editor
Nancy Ann Wrenn
Feature Editor
Susan Chace
Art Editor
Bill Schwartz
News Editor
Jim Caccavo
Judy Teague
Copy Editor
Pam Anderson
Business Manager
Craig Jacobson
Jeannie Jones
Anne Laing, Lee Van Wormer, Loni Abbotts, Susan Gray, Fran Ussery, Pat Allen, Sue Trapnell, Suzi Cushing, Robin McKenzie, Barbara McCartney, Dodi Simmerson, Chip Schram, Barbara Cayll, Sharon Horner, JoAnn Ross, Sally Ross, Alexander Bower, Jackie Cottrell.
   The National Forensic League (N.F.L.) at Winter Park High School is making great strides this year. Their membership, as represented in the recent meeting, totaled about 40 members, both new and old.
   On Tuesday, October 18, the Winter Park Forensic League played host to a Speaking Congress held at Winter Park High School from Edgewater, Boone, Colonial, Cherokee and other schools attended.
   Presently, the two projects under the N.F.L., are the selling of pep ribbons and book covers. The program has a three-fold purpose to raise money, to encourage school spirit by wearing pep ribbons, and to encourage better care of books.
   A gaze into the future finds the N.F.L. planning a speaking contest on "The United Nations." Those Seniors who remember the speaking contest held when they were sophomores will certainly look forward to this one, for it is bound to be a repeat of that first fine performance.

   Say-hey, have ya'll noticed how many W.P. gals are writing teen columns for local newspapers? There's Susan Carter, Nancy Temple and Sharon Hayes. Competition gets stiffer every day.
   Seen at the open-house given by Marcia Fosgate, Gail Cannon, Liz Bennett, and Sigrid Bergstrom were: Sharon O'Neal, Judy Schmidt, JoAnn Ross and Dave Smith, Johnny Cash, Julius Mullins, Sharon White, Frank Ferguson (who has a knack for hittin' the cue ball!), Stan Jump, Linda Schmidt, Salli Tyler, Marty Wellinger with Lance Howden, Mary Cash, Jeanne Britt, Bob Ross, Ginney Ussery, Nat Turnbull, Chuck Libby, Fran Ussery, Susan Chace and Jim Harmeling, "Susan and Chan", Bino Colado, Bobby Sias with Greg Holland, Diane Flowers, Johnny Cox, Tim Darrah, Sally Ross, JoAnn Horvath, Carolyn Rayburn, Barb McCartney, Chip Schram, "Lynn and Gary", John Bowman, Steve Grantham, Kay Harris, Susan Bowman, Joanne Cunningham, Diane Davich, Richard Winslow, Bill McGinnis, Judy Hopkins, Dewey Ramsby and Carl Dunn -- both wearing very loud ties! -- Jim Henry, Gary Houmes, Jeff Arnold, Mike Born, John Prevatt, and of course, loads more!
   Jean Welch spent the past weekend at Marquette in Illinois. She visited Phil Hoffman and took in Marquette's Homecoming Game against "Vandy" -- Poor old Marquette lost!
   Bill Copley was here last week on vacation from Bolles.
   "Sarah Coventry" parties seem to be the local rage! Judy Hopkins and Mary Cash, cute sophomores, and Bobby Sias and Janet Squillante, also cute "sophs," have all recently given one of these "jewelry get-togethers".
   That's it for now, see you next Thursday!

Juniors Win United
Appeal Drive

   Winter Park High School owes a big vote of thanks to Jim Harmeling, last year's Secretary of Welfare for the Student Council. It was through his initiative that we now have the United Appeal Fund Drive, one week of competition between the classes designed to create a bigger interest in this school fund.
   Class spirit rose to a new high during the week of October 24-28 as each strove to "out-give" the other; each class was spurred onward by the promise of an early school dismissal. Politics were forgotten as homerooms received daily pep talks and reports on the climbing money mark. Seniors lead the first day only to be over thrown by the juniors the next, and then the sophomores. Final victory went to the class of '62. We hear that Mrs. Hill started the collection rolling with a dollar donation.
   The week was highlighted by the Fund Auction held Thursday, sixth period, which netted $43.00. Sue Sturges was the lucky recipient of a two-semester parking place in front of the school on a bid of $17.00. Ned Whitner now has in his possession, Mr. Orr's stick and the Wild Cat Den was visited by Jackie Cook, JoAnn Ross, Mary Carter, Sharon White, and JoAnn Cunningham. Mrs. Ramsdell sacrificed her college handbook to Stu Smith after some competitive bidding between Sharon White and Company and Suzy Grey and Company over an autographed and slightly worn football.
   The auction and the drive were both considered a big success.

Makeup Days Set!
   The school make-up days resulting from Hurriane Donna were previously scheduled for the 19th and 20th of December. However, due to complaints from both faculty and students who wanted the original length of Christmas vacation, the County Board of Public Instruction, "...in order to work the least hardship on all concerned," have decided to reschedule our make-up days.
   We'll be coming to school, therefore, on Armistice Day, Nov. 11, and on January 2nd. Don't forget to come!