by Barbara
Cayll |
a new program has been organized for students who have problems
either in school or at home. It is called the Guidance Program
with Mrs. Ramsdell in charge. The purpose of this program is
to help straighten out problems in school and at home.
Meetings began several weeks ago. Mrs. Ramsdell
had notices in the morning bulletin concerning this new Guidance
There will be an announcement when classes
are re-opened. These classes are beneficial to all students
who participate. It is experimental now but shows every indication
of being a great success.
All students who are interested in this program
are urged to see Mrs. Ramsdell for further information. |
of Week
Teacher-Band Leader
by Dodi Simmerson |
June McGill, our one and only gym teacher for girls at WPHS,
formerly was the captain of the Seminole High School band in
Sanford. We are glad she changed. Miss
McGill was born in Brooklyn, New York. After graduating from
high school she attended Florida State. After
being asked her biggest problem with the girl's in her gym classes,
she replied, "the girl's unnecessary complaining"
In her years of teaching she has noticed that volleyball is
enjoyed the most because "it's easier for girls."
McGill thought that Homecoming was wonderful and she was very
well pleased with the dance. (However, she will not give her
opinion on the next president.) |

by Ferdinand
Flap |
has usually been the policy of this paper to back the faculty.
So to make sure I do not violate this tradition, I will label
this next little tirade "Personal Opinion".
I believe that the attire of the boys at Winter
Park High School does not warrant criticism. How can faculty
exclaim how deplorable the male portion of the student body
dress, when there are more boys wearing dress shirts and ties
to school than men teachers? It shouldn't be so hard for the
faculty to remember the "Levi and Tee Shirt Era".
At least the majority of boys now wear shirts and slacks, and
the percentage is improving every day.
Other local high schools may need a shirt
tail ruling, but the present dress habits of Winter Parkers
does not warrant restrictions. In higher institutions of learning,
the mode of dress is left to the discretion of the student,
and this is the way it should remain at Winter Park.
However, I would like to stress the importance
of making a good impression upon our most distinguished guests.
The accreditation of Winter Park High School will be the most
important incident to take place during your three years at
Winter Park. It is up to you to maintain the standards of our
Alma Mater, not only for the alumni, but for the ensuing classes
that are depending on you for the opportunity to be graduated
from an accredited high school.
Well that's enough sounding off for this issue.
Now we'll get down to some tidbits in the local sports picture.
I guess you've all heard the good news. The City Planning Committee
has graciously consented to let the Rollins College Rowing Team
use Ward Park for their shell races this year. The Soccer Team
wanted to use the field too, but the athletic department was
unable to raise enough money for the snorkels and the aqualungs.
Speaking of aqualungs, don't forget to watch
"Sea Hunt" next week. (The filming of the next three
shows took place right in our own Ward Park.)
If there is anyone out there whom I have not
offended, please let me know. I'll be sure to get you next week. |
Lee Van Wormer |
girls intramural's have really drawn a big crowd this year. Miss McGill
reports that about 140 girls have been coming out for volleyball.
The girls were divided into two senior, two junior,
and two sophomore teams. The senior teams were "Scags",
Capt. Marcia Gruber and "Reicherts' Wreckers", Capt. Noralee
Reicherts. Junior teams were "Cork's Crack Pots", Capt.
Corky Krome and "Notti Sherry's", Capt. Sherry Vines. Last
but not least were the sophomore teams "Goubaud DoDo's",
Capt. Monica Gouband and the "Menaces", Capt. Charlotte
As the tournament came to a close, statistics showed
that the "Scags" and "Corky's Crack Pots" were
tied for first place. CONGRATULATIONS, GIRLS!
Badminton is being played at present, and it is
hoped that all girls interested will turn out for the fun! |
Opens New
Parking Lot
by Ann Spaulding
the opening of a new parking lot for the exclusive use of students
at W.P.H.S.! The "no parking" and "two hour parking"
signs have now been removed by popular request from the roof of the
main building at W.P.H.S. - parking will resume there Monday!
And for all you poor unfortunates who didn't get
a helicopter for Christmas and are still driving the thing-of-the-past
cars to school, you will continue to park in Sanford and walk to school.
But as a convenience, the Wi-Pa-Hi-Sc is taking orders now for those
helicopters you didn't think of last year.
While you wait, we advise you to contribute generously
to the "Tennis by Fall" project, which we also are sponsoring.
This is the answer to all driver's prayers. Now
you won't worry about moving your car every two hours, parking in
Sanford, or a nervous breakdown every time you gaze upon our future
tennis courts! (or is it a swimming pool?)
Seriously, it is up to every student at W.P.H.S.
to see that every available space is used for parking. Or else to
see that it becomes a tennis court within a shorter period of time
than the eight years it has taken to level our future (?) tennis courts.
Act now. Consider parking on the side streets to the school on the
future tennis courts, or on the land behind the cafeterias. To get
any action on this problem, it will take sensible thinking and sharing
of constructive ideas. Act now or your chances for a parking space
will be even slimmer, especially when those helicopters arrive! |
by Sally
Ross |
when walking through our hollowed halls on Wednesday, October 26,
you happened to see a mass of slightly morbid girls and boys you shouldn't
have become too upset. The better half of them were just sporting
the articles that the Future Teachers of America chose for their initiates
to wear. These students were decked out with one low and one high
heel, and were left in the uncomfortable state of not being able to
wear any makeup at all! On top of it all, dunce
caps were perched on each head and scribbled signs across each back.
Could Mrs. Andrews be anticipating the future for
the forty girls of her club as teachers of the up and coming students?
A few of those prospective's seen on a slightly angular keel because
of their shoes were: Ann Spaulding, Diane Miller, Susan Reicherts,
and Judy Garan. Noticeably absent was Donna Mueller, who "chickened
out" at the last moment. Now, Donna!! |
by Craig
Jacobsen |
gym classes this six weeks are very active. "Rag Tag"
football is on the agenda now, and when terminated, there will have
been fifteen games played. The "Rag Tag" teams are named
after professional squads. As of the date this article was written,
the "Packers" are ahead second period; the "Cowboys"
are ahead third period; the "Cowboys" are ahead fourth
period; and the "Rams" are ahead fifth period.
"Rag Tag" football is completed, there will be one week
of military drill. The next week will be a grueling one indeed,
for it is the week of physical fitness tests. There will be the
100 yd. low hurdle run, the broad jump, calisthenics, obstacle course
runs, speed relays, obstacle relays, and many other tests of physical
stamina. |
'n Fashions |
anyone else noticed the strange new creature called "cold?"
It seems as if everyone has and it is affecting us all in the same
way. In the morning, as you awaken from your dreams, the first thing
that hits you is a tub of ice water - or so it seems when your roasty
toasty little toes hit the floor. Your first impulse is to bring yourself
under the covers and never come out again. But you soon recover, and
it hits you that the school is waiting with open doors. So the next
problem is finding something to wear.
You know good and well that your new matching lamb's
wool sweater and skirt will feel wonderful until third period. You
would then proceed to tear your hair until the end of the day because
of your self-made steam bath. Of course, a sleeveless, backless, skirtless
dress would be wonderful in the afternoon, but while you wait for
the heat to penetrate you are dying of the flu. So, five minutes before
you should be leaving for school you play it safe and wear a madras
dress or a skirt and blouse with a villager collar. By the way, don't
forget your circle pin!!! |
Highlights |
GRUBER born in Bristol, Virginia- Likes skiing, swimming and David-
Dislikes people who talk all the time- Plans after H.S., college.
ED FISHBACK born in Orlando- Likes Robert E. Lee Junior High School,
people, and sports- Dislikes speed limits and homework- Hobbies are
golf, fishing, and hunting.
KAY HARRIS born in Wichita, Kansas- Likes boys, dancing and having
a good time- Dislikes boys who aren't neat, homework- Most embarrassing
moment, when she dropped her tray of food in the cafeteria.
KEN MINAMYER born in Waco, Texas- Likes football, track, girls, drive-in
movies- Dislikes Yankees- Hobbies, sports and good looking girls.
ELMER BOHANNON, Jr. born in Wilmington, North Carolina. Like Carla
York, sports and living- Dislikes blind umpires- Most embarrassing
moment when he found out his name was Elmer.
SUE STURGES was born in Meridian, Mississippi- Likes Mrs. Blickman's
English class, food and dramatics- Dislikes watching her weight and
boys who go to the Youth Center and don't dance- Plans after H.S.,
attend "Ole Miss".
GREG HOLLAND was born in Vidalia, Georgia- Likes football, math and
girls- Dislikes English, history, and gossiping girls- Hobbies, sports
and reading. |