the DeLand game Friday night, the Key Club held a dance in
the Winter Park High School Cafeteria. The dance started at
approximately 10:15 and lated until midnight. The Key Clubbers,
working all Friday afternoon, decorated the cafeteria with
orange and black crepe paper suspended from the ceiling in
huge scallops. The Key Club banner was centered in a strategic
spot above the juke box. The walls were adorned with colorful,
artistic posters which had been used to publicize the dance.
At one end of the toom "KICK OFF" was spelled in
huge crepe paper letters on teh wall.
The dance was a huge success because there
was a large turnout of Winter Park students. The DeLand football
players could be distinguished by their dark suits. Some of
the couples dancing on the crowded floor were Ray Myers and
Cheryl Pritchard, David Echardt and Nancy Temple, Andy Ramsdell
and Helen Whittington, and Andy |
News Chacer -- (Continued..) |
have noticed many residents of the Winter Park section busily
building arks in their back yards. It it rains much more,
they just might have to use them. After all, they laughed
at Noal too!!
The combination of all this rain and our
football field just doesn't jive too well. If the idea of
underwater football catches on though, we'll have the most
ideal etting in Central Florida!!
The cancellationof all of W.P.H.S.'s home
games has been seriously considered, for there seems to be
no sign of the rain letting up long enough for Ward Memorial
Field to dry. To make things worse, Homecoming is just a week
off and not many people relish the thought of having Homecoming
away from home. Everybody keep your fingers crossed and sing
one round of "Rain, rain, go away" in the morning
upon arising and just before going to bed. This may do the
trick. (If you look up - through the clouds -- and see a bright
ball in the sky, don't be alarmed. It is called a sun. For
more information concerning it, look under "S" in
the encyclopedia).
"A liar is never believed -- even when
he speaks the truth."
and Bobbie Dixon. Pamme Anderson and Tom Hughes, Fred Hale
and Jo Allen, Jim Henry and Sharon White, Gary Houmes and
Gail Cannon, Bobby Sias and Mike Born, Lance Howden and Mary
Wellinger, Bill Blackburn and Carole Giddens, Liz Bennett
and Bill Holbrook, George Mayo and Betsy Cragg, Sally Ross
and Charlie Johnson, Gary Dokter and Lynn Furr, Sam Harris
and Sharon May, Bill Phillips and Bonnie Boone, Susan Carter
and Chan Muller, Gene Mooney and Rosie Vardell, John Cash
and Sharon O'Neal, Bill McGinnis and Carole Tennison, Colin
Crews and Donna Shaw.
Also Charlie Matthews and Jeannie Jones,
Ken Minameyer and Mary Anne Brown, Julius Mullins and Larilyn
Swanson, Richard Winslow and Nancy Ann Wrenn, Kathy Browne
and John Bordley, Bob Finfrock and Karen Rothrock, Sheila
Cummings and Jim Ferguson, Helen Grabber and Clark Lambert. |
By Fall
Craig Jacobson
a great deal of toil and sweat, a football stadium has risen
from a swamp for the express purpose of having a first-rate
place to hold athletic events. This feat was not accomplished
by sweat alone. It has also taken a great deal of money, totaling
$10,000. The city was good enough to donate $3,500 of this
and the rest has come from many generous individuals who are
interested in the Jr. highs and high schools of our city.
The Junior Chamber of Commerce is working
hard to get the stadium completed. But alas! Good things rarely
happen overnight. It will take two or three years, lots of
hard work and $15,000 before the stadium is finally completed.
When finished, it will have an excellent football fiend and
track. Glenridge Junior High and Winter Park High will play
their home games there. The funds for the upkeep of the field
will come from the city's budget and a small percentage of
the money raised from the games.
This year however, the Junior Chamber of
Commerce is concerned with the purchase of bleachers. So far
they have bought 1155 bleachers and in order to pay for them,
the J.C.C., in cooperation with the various organizations
of Glenridge and Winter Park High is selling seat reservations.
These are good for twenty games; and cost $5.00 a piece (price
does not include admission fee.)
Let us remember that by buying these tickets,
we will not only be helping ourselves, but our community as