Fungsten Frosh
know you sports fans get tired of this column being
dedicated to editorials, but somebody has to write 'em
and it might as well be me. This week I've latched onto
a topic that is important to every student at W.P.H.S.:
senior privileges. I know they might not seem important
to you underclassmen right now, but if you want any
privileges when you are seniors, now is the time to
let it be known.
Though it is a bit difficult for you
sophomores to see, I am sure I need not remind the juniors
and seniors of the injustice that is taking place. Slowly,
year by year, more and more privileges are being discarded,
lost and forgotten as a new Senior Class of '61 will
long remember its sophomore
year at W.P.H.S. The Senior class of that year was known
as the "Sainted Seniors".
Of Week
Dodi Simmerson
Julie Seibert, one of our English teachers here at Winter
Park, feels that teenagers miss out on a lot by going
steady while in their teens. She advises girls to be in
their "twenties" before marrying but doesn't
believe in long engagements.
Miss Seibert likes to see girls wearing
skirts and blouses and simple cottons to school. With
the shorts, skirts and madras fad going around, Miss Seibert
must be pleased.
Our 11th and 12th grade English teacher
was born in St. Marys, Ohio. She doesn't like rock and
roll but does like jazz. Her favorite color is red and
her favorite food is "anything that contains mushrooms".
She likes to read, fish, sail, and sew. Do you think that
she might have made some of those adorable "simple
cottons" she wears?
Miss Seibert's view on the next President
is Nixon. But time will tell if she will be pleased on
this score. |
had privileges too numerous to mention. They had a Senior
parking lot (what is now called
the tennis courts), a Senior locker room, a senior goof
off day, special senior door (not just the front), and
a senior skip day.
We waited and dreamed for the day when
we would be the recipients of all these privileges and
it never came. And if things go on like they are, there
will be even fewer privileges when YOU are Seniors.
Your Student Council is working to gain
a revision of Senior privileges. If and when this revision
is made, it will be brought to the class for a vote. I
sincerely hope that you will have the foresight to back
these efforts in procuring Senior privileges.
If any of our readers wish to express
their view on this or related subjects, I would be glad
to print them in my column. This is your paper. |
Sue Sturges
for the latest news, 'Cats?
Marcia Gruber and David Sias are a lasting
and cute twosome. Lynn Furr and Gary Dokter are also one
of Winter Park's "old-time" couples. Must be
Bobby Cross who makes Diane Beiger's eyes sparkle so!
Jo Allen and Fred Hale are another darlin' pair!
Several Sundays ago, Janie Mitchell
was honored with a birthday tea by co-hostesses, Judy
Kirkpatrick and Marty Wellinger. Punch, in a hallowed
out watermelon, was served along with a birthday cake,
sandwiches, and little candies. A partial guest list included:
Linda Tindall, Gain Cannon, Ginny Rorby, Sandy Bowman,
Kay Harris, Ellen Igou, Alex Bower, Ann Jenkins, and Liz
Summer flashback! Cute sophomore Carol
Lee was the hostess at an August coke party. Those there
were: Kim Hadley, Liz Bennett, Sigrid Bergstrom, Marty
Wellinger, Gail Cannon, Jeannie Britt, Joan Musterman,
Salli Tyler, Marcia Fosgate, Nancy Heinzen, Jo Allen,
Nancy Hightower, Kathy Patch and Linna Ward.
Libby Payton was here a few weekends
ago visiting Lynne Ricks!
Several Winter Park gals went to Gainesville
for the Fla. vs. F.S.U. game. Fran Ussery, Susan Chace,
and Linda Myrick all had a strickly tremendous time, as
did Robin McKenzie, who's got a gleam in her eye. Is it
due to a certain boy, Robin, or your weekend escapades?
Bill Collier went steady with Heather Marwick?
Pud Mudd went with Judy Teague? Cheney Mason and Linda Schmidt
went steady? Billy Boyles went with Lynn Furr, Steve Toothacker
went with Linda Borden? Robin McKenzie went with Johnny Cash?
Julie Haynie went with Benny Tucker? David Smith went with Marcia
Fosgate? Gary Dokter went with Perky McKim? Jackie Billingham
and JoAnn Ross? |
* * *
Student? !!! Susan Chace, geature editor of the Wi-Pa-Hi-Sc,
had a little trouble last week distinguishing between the two.
While selling the Wi-Pa-Hi-Sc, Susan walked
into Mrs. Appleman's homeroom, amazed to find no teacher there.
After questioning the students, Mrs. Appleman, who was leaning
over a students desk proceeded to walk over to his desk to prove
to Miss Chace that he WAS the teacher. |
* *
was noticed last week that Mr. Toppen had quite a black and
blue mark on his forehead. It seems that his daughter, Julie,
who isn't a year old yet, hit him with a baseball bat. Mr. Toppen
what were you doing to that poor girl? |
Conners, sophomore, has been making earnest attempts lately
to become a member of the Wheel Club. During one of his attempts
he asked Chan Muller just what he could do to become a member.
Chan informed him that the real secret was to go to coach Mosher,
Wheel Club sponsor, and whisper in his ear "I'm a wheel."
Of course, Coach totally confused, replied to Bill "I don't
care if you're a rusty old spoke!" |
Scoops (Continued.) |
Shoup, Sandy Nelson, Dottie Bell, Brenda O'Steen, Mary Carter,
and Jacque Cook have all given parties recently. Sandy had a
"Sarah Coventry" party at which several Senior gals
were shown a glittering variety of jewelry. Brenda and Dottie
jointly threw a "teary" slumber party after he DeLand
game, and Jacque honored Mabs Brown, Suzie Miller, and Carolyn
Rayburn with a surprise birthday tea!
Sandy Simpson had a gala party several weeks
ago -- over 60 guests attended! Sounds like fun!!
That's it for now, tune in next week. |