Mrs. Wharton
DRESSED UP: Did you know that books sometimes get new coats? Well
they do. Some 100 books have just returned to the library from the
Dobbs Bindery in St. Augustine, all decked in bright fall jackets
of red, yellow, blue and gay plaids. These rejuvenated volumes in
their bright attire will be back in circulation as soon as their pockets
are added (Like most coats, theirs have pockets too.)
NOW's THE TIME: While "Ben Hur" is showing
at the Colony, why not see the picture and read the book? The library
has several copies. Lew Wallace is the author.
STATE MEETING: Assistants Richard Harold and Annette
McDougal, along with Miss Wharton, attended the State Board Meeting
of the Florida High School Library Council at Perry recently. Richard
holds a state office and is chairman of the local council. Annette
is vice-chairman of the Winter Park group. They reported an interesting
trip which included, in addition to business, a guided tour of Proctor
and Gamble's large Buckeye Cellulose Plant at Perry, and an excursion
ride down the Suwannee River.
APPOINTMENT: Assistant Claudia Foley has just been
appointed Treasurer of the District V division of the Florida High
School Library Council. She succeeds the elected officer who resigned.
Claudia is not serving her second year in Library Practice. |
Anne Laing
Winter Park High School's
sophomores have elected their homeroom officers for the coming year.
These officers play an important part in their class activities. Meetings
are held for homeroom presidents and vice-presidents to discuss dances,
bake sales, and etc.; secretaries are in charge of taking all class
notes; treasurers are to manage the financial affairs for their rooms.
The sophomores sponsor a semi-formal dance once a year which takes
much work. It is up to these officers to raise the money, and provide
the entertainment, and the program for the dance.
There is no doubinting the work involved in holding
these offices. It is a new and interesting experience for all.
Those elected were 10A: President, Steve Carter;
Vice-President, Barbara Nash; 10B: President, Jim Phillips; Vice-President,
J. Leisch; Secretary-Treasurer, Penny Garaple; Chaplin, Leilani Brinkley;
10D: President, Net Whitner; Vice-President, John Haugland; Treasurer,
Marion Smith; Chaplain, Danny Draper; 10E: President, Richard Dorio;
Vice-President, Kent Harmeling; Secretary-Treasurer, Chip Furr; 10F:
President, Gary DeVane; Secretary-Treasurer, Pat Brown; Chaplain,
Sharon Whittle; 10G: President, Bill Cole, Vice-President, Paul Mattison;
Secretary-Treasurer, Leslie White; Chaplain, Eleanor Swan. |
"Aint" Hallucinations
Ann Spaulding
you noticed the discarded trash littered around the campus, along
all arteries to the school, and blowing free to land anywhere between
here and there?
An all-time record for this drifting litter was
on the lawn of one of W.P.H.S.'s neighbors. This justly irate neighbor
spent hours in her front yard doing her daily exercise known as: "Pick
up the garbage from your front yard dearie for tomorrow it will be
twice as think." During this particular period, she set a record
by picking up 69 drinking cups, in her yard alone, not including the
other debris floating in her small front yard. Needless to say, her
neighbors were not shocked at this astonishing news, for they, too,
have been driving to this same unpleasant exercise.
At this point, you are probably telling yourself,
"Well, that's a different advertising gimmick", or possibly
"Wonder what plant nourishment those paper cups have?" The
truth of the matter is, that these people are not advertising local
eating places, nor are they fertilizing. They are being tortured by
human litterbugs -- yes, litterbugs. There is no need to ask who are
these litterbugs, because YOU ARE THE VARMINTS! YOU are the ones who
are driving our neighbors to a slow boil.
You also are the ones who will suffer, because
a petition from these neighbors to the city of Winter Park is lurking
around the corner. If enough complaints are filed, our use of local
drive-in eating places during lunch hours, will be canceled.
Many of us want to keep this privilege, but apparently
a few of you children aren't willing to accept the responsibility
of putting your trash in available trash cans.
Right now, why don't you improve matters by being
more thoughtful of our neighbors? Show them your courtesy and respect
by disposing of your trash -- NOT ON THE NEIGHBOR'S YARD, but in a
trash can. Need we say more? |
scholarships are offered to W.P.H.S. students. Scholarships in liberal
studies, science, engineering, architecture and design are offered
by many schools, including IIT (Illinois Institute of Technology).
These are available to students who take the Preliminary Scholastic
Aptitude Test. The test dates for these tests are Tuesday, October
18, and Saturday, October 22.
Careers in the health field are among the most stimulating
and rewarding for young people today. The Health Scholarship Program
is offered in Nursing, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Medical
Social Work, and Medicine.
Converse College Scholarships are also offered.
Converse College is a private, independent and nationally accredited
four year College of Arts and Science for women. It has a professional
school of Music, offering a distinctive educational program leading
to the Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Music, and Master of Music degrees.
Graduate Teaching Fellowships are available to selected candidates
for the Master of Music degree.
The Bridgewater College Honor Scholarships will
be awarded to those applicants who show the better qualifications,
but the following minimum requirements must be met: (1) Rank in upper
10% of the high school graduating class. (2) Superior score on the
Scholastic Aptitude Test of the College Entrance Exam Board. (3) Satisfactory
health, character, and personality. (4) A four-year educational objective
at Bridgewater College. |
OFFICERS (Continued.)
10H: President, John Ridenour; Treasurer,
Claudio Flambeau; Chaplain, Judy Metcalf; 10K: President, Diane Davich;
Vice-President, Beverly Stansburg; Secretary- Treasurer, Monica Gouband;
10L: President, Mary Cash; Vice-President, Jim Cayce; Secretary, Jim
Brown; and 10M: President, Chad Price; Vice-President, Dan Gribbin;
Treasurer, Steve Wolf.
You are playing an important part in the school's
student body. Work hard... Maybe you will want to run for your class
offices or even student council cabinet members. We all want to make
Winter Park High School the best school in teh land. We need co-operation,
hard work, and school spirit. You are the ones who will one day be
the leaders. Let's see what you can do! |