Anne Laing
spirit is our theme for the year. Somewhere, somehow, we have
lost a good deal of spirit at Winter Park High School. We
are the only ones who can remedy the situation. To help us
out we have a new club known as the "Lettermen's Club".
In the year 1953-54, Coach Jones of Winter
Park started this club. But, due to lack of team and school
spirit, the club was discontinued. Coach Orr is bringing it
back to WPHS this year.
The club is an organization for boys only.
The qualificationis that they must have a varsity letter. |
born on Feb. 19, 1943, in Baltimore, Maryland ... Likes tennis,
cheesecake, drive-ins, OYC, boys and clothes ... Dislikes
snobby people, fattening foods, scales and tests on Mondays
... Most embarrassing moment when pants fell down at Jr. -
Sr. Prom.
JIM MOLL, born Feb. 10, 1943 in St. Louis,
MO ... Likes baseball, bowling and girls ... Dislikes studying
... Most embarrassing moment when he was thrown out of the
P.E. dressing room with nothing on.
DEWEY RAMSBY born Feb. 25, 1943 in Battle
Creek, Michigan ... Likes sports, girls and more girls. Dislikes
exams, and getting up early ... Most embarrassing moment when
he got lost going to pick up a date.
DOTTIE BELL, born on Dec. 21, 1942, in Kittaming,
Pennsylvania ... Likes food, swimming, and boys ... Dislikes
people who call her "Dottiebell".
SUSAN CHACE born Aug. 23, 1943 in Savannah,
Georgia ... Likes food, Betas, cold weather. Dislikes first
day of school ... Plans after H.S., college.
FRED HALE born May 28, in Chevy Chace, Maryland.
Likes JoAnn Allen ... Dislikes any boy who flirts with her
... Hobby, skiing.
SHARON WHITE born November 20, 1943 in Brunswick,
Georgia. Likes clothes ... Hobby, collecting perfumes ...
Plans after H.S., College |
there are only twenty-five members now, Coach Orr is hoping
for more.. There is no reason why there shouldn't be more.
According to Coach Gordon, of the present
eighty football players only twenty-five are participating
in the club's activities. Football is not the only sport enrolled.
Basketball, track, baseball, swimming, tennis, golf and cross-country
are also included.
The Lettermen's Club's main objective is
to take on various projects relative to athletic programs.
Ordering and distributing letters is one main project.
Boys, the dues are only $1.50. Speak to
Coach Orr or President John Cash about membership. HELP BACK
By Barbara Richardson
to Manatte High School. Their yearbook, the 'Cane Echo, received
a First Place rating from the National Scholastic Press Assn.,
and the Mocohi, their newspaper, received an ALL American
Kathy Umbarger, a dancing sophomore from
Forrest Sherman High School, Naples, Italy has recently been
accepted by the Royal Ballet in London. Wouldn't it be great
for some of our Wildcat girls to receive such an honor?? Keep
working girls.
The Drama Dept. of Chamberlin H.S., Tampa,
has big plans for this year. They are planning the production
of Thorton Wilder's "Pullman Car Hiawatha" as well
as "Mikado", "Androcles and The Lion",
"Oklahoma" and other performances.
From H.B. Plant H.S., Tampa, comes the news
of another trip abroad. Max Williams, Student Council President,
returned home September 9, after spending 3 months in Japan.
Max was one of the winners in the American Field Service contest
and was an Exchange Student.
Here's something a little different. Gainesville
H.S.'s Latin Club is sponsoring a train to bring school spirited
students to the Gainesville-Boone game.
T. R. Robinson High School, Tampa, also
did this. They had a thirteen car train packed full of students
going to the Robinson-Sarasota game.
More students from abroad! This week the
school is Meridian Senior High-Jr. College, and the students
are two young ladies from Guatemala. |