WI-PA-HI-SC dated October 20, 1960, was made available to us by Nancy Temple. Thanks for sharing!
WI - PA - HI - SC
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OCTOBER 20 , 1960
P.T.A.    Meets
by Sue Sturges
   Senior Mary Carter honored 3 new Senior girls, Carol Tenneson, Jackie Cottrell, and Margaret Matthews with an informal tea on October 8. Those who attended were: Maurine Doggett, Fran Ussery, Kay Persons, Ann Spaulding, Kathy Adkins, Becky Thornton, Susan Keller, Bonnie Boone, Darla Fessler, Lynne Ricks, Nancy Wrenn, Marcia Gruber, Charlyne McKay, Betty J. Lucius, and Linda Bair. Others included: Kathy Browne, "Shoupie", Tony Sayre, Susan Carter, Donna Frome, "Schmidty", Sharon Hayes, Sue Sturges, Betsy Rolland, Jeanne Williams, Carma Maker, Prudy Huber, and Joyce Gillingham.
    The Orlando Youth Center has taken on a "new look". Youth Center "regulars" include Bob Ross, Jeff Arnold, Linda Tindall, Rick Deter, Diane Beiger, Bobby Cross (in shirt and tie -- no less!). Jay Gustafson, Jullius Mullins, Jo Allen and Fred Hale, Sherry Vines, Tom Hughes, Liz Bennet, and lots more! The Youth Center is the "place to go" when lookin' for something to do!
Student Council Report
Bill McGinnis, S.C. President
   Now that the rough days of the first few weeks have passed and the officers and members are accustomed to their duties and used to working together, the Student Council has settled down to do the big job ahead of it this year.
   Since the Council's file cabinet has been moved to Mrs. Ramsdell's new office, all the work is centralized, and this will really help us. Now we have space in which to operate and easy access to necessary records and information.
   The officers and cabinet have voted to meet every other Tuesday night to examine Council progress in relation to our goals. These bi-weekly meetings should help do the job better, faster.
   At the time, our efficiency is hindered by the present Student Council constitution. We hope to correct this situation very shortly with a sweeping series of constitutional amendments. If everything goes as planned, the Student Body will be able to vote on these amendments within the next two weeks. The amendments will deal with the qualifications of Council officers, W Club, the establishment of an inter-club council, the cabinet duties.
   'Cats took their "kittens" on a cool hay ride several weeks ago. The destination of this happy group was the 7-Ranch in Oviedo. On hand to join in the fun were: Mary Carter & Jon Spradley, Susan Carter & Chan Muller, Sharon Hayes & Eric Firchow, Lynne Ricks & Frankie Harris, Connie Shoup & Chet Cornwall, Jeanne Williams & Roy Stanley. More "merrymakers" included Charlyne McKay & Freddy Good (wearing a tie?), Dottie Bell & Ken Minameyer, Lynda Borden & Charlie Matthews, Jeanne Britt & Dave Smith, Carol Tenneson & Frank Ferguson, JoAnn Ross & Chip Schram, and Lynn Furr & Gary Dokter.
   That's all for this week!
Student Council Report
     Also during this same time, the Student Body will probably be able to vote on new Senior Privileges.
   Still in the planning states, but taking more shape every day is the idea of an official school creed. Let your homeroom representative know how you feel about this idea. We hope to have the Student Body vote on this by the end of the second six weeks.
   The United Appeal Drive starts next Monday to raise money for all the charities at one time. This keeps us from having numerous insignificant drives during the year. Be generous. Remember that this is the only time you will be bothered with charity drives during the entire year. The class which brings in the most money will get the last period off next Friday. Next Thursday we'll have an outdoor auction to sell off all sorts of crazy things -- like a big stick autographed by Coach Orr. Proceeds will go to the United Appeal.
   This is our first big project of the year, and probably our most important. Let's really go and make it a big success.
by Pamme Anderson
   Tuesday, October 4th, was the first meeting of the year for parents and teachers of WPHS students. 
   Mr. Wilson gave an interesting speech about why the parents adn teachers should become acquainted; then the parents departed from the general meeting and went about the school, following their child's schedule. This was to give the parents an idea of who is teaching their children and what they are learning.
   The attendance at this meeting was excellent, and much enthusiasm was shown toward better parent - teacher relationships.
Five W.P.H.S. Students Honored
   Five seniors at Winter Park High School have been honored for outstanding performance on the National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (NMSQT) given last spring. Each student who is endorsed by his school receives a formal Letter of Commendation signed by his principal and the president of the National Merit Scholarship Corporation. Mr. Wilson has announced that the commended students are: John Bordley, Jr., Larry Elam, David Herold, Greg Holland and Noralee Reicherts.
   These five students did not reach the status of semifinalists in the 1960-61 Merit Program, but were so outstanding that they deserve special recognition. Although Letters of Commendation are being sent to some 28,000 students throughout the United States, it is still an alarming small number as it constitutes less than 3% of all high school students.
   The Merit Program has several objectives. One is the selection of Merit Scholars from among the semifinalists. Another is that it strives to foster the pursuit of excellence among all highly capable students. It urges the honored students now to make every effort to attend college, and to develop to the fullest extent, their promise of achievement. The commended students and the semi-finalists who do not win Merit scholarships will be considered for certain other scholarships which are offered through the facilities of the National Merit Scholarship Corporation.
   The annual Merit Scholarship competition is open to all high schools in the United States and its territories. Scholars' competition awards are made from the resources of the National Merit Scholarship Corporation and through sponsoring corporations foundations, associations, and individuals..
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