WI-PA-HI-SC dated September 15, 1960, was made available to us by Nancy Temple. Thanks for sharing!
WI - PA - HI - SC
Page 4
SEPTEMBER 15 , 1960
Join A Club
   Students ... want a little advice??? Join a club! ... Now!!! Choose a club that will suit your interests -- anything from home-making to judo -- and be active in it!! You're sure to find many new friends -- and WPHS will mean more to you!!!
           Nancy Ann Wrenn
   As the new school year opens, the clubs will begin their many interesting activities again.
   One of the most active clubs on campus this year will be the band. They will drill during half-time at football games and will have many concerts during the year. The officers chosen for the band are Captain, John Bordley; First Lt., Steve Van Ore; Second Lts. are Perky McKim, also head majorette; Larry Elam, Bill McGinnis, and David Eckhart.
   The Campus Crusaders have already begun their plans to make this an outstanding year. This club is dedicated to Christian service in the school. The hard working officers in this club are President Susan Carter; Vice President, George Fisher; Secretary, Sue Tinklepaugh.
   The Tri-Hi-Y organization at W.P.H.S. is divided into three branches. The C.M.E. is for Senior girls and their chosen officers are: President, Maurine Doggett; Vice President, Mary Carter; Secretary, Dodie Rossell; Treasurer, Nancy Ann Wrenn; Chaplain, Bonnie Boone.
    The Junior girls have formed a new Tri-Hi-Y. They have as their officers: President, Nancy Thomopson; Vice President, Betsy Cragg; Secretary, Ann Jenkins; Treasurer, Elnora Wright; Chaplain, Mary Jane Potocki.
    The Sophomores will have their own Tri-Hi-Y which has not yet been formed.
   The National Honor Society consists of students who have excelled in the qualities of Scholarship, Leadership, Service, and Character. The officers for this year will not officially be elected until the new members are inducted at the first of this year.
   The National Forensic League, better known as the N.F.L., is an organization of students interested in debate and speech work. Officers in this club are President, Mary Loeb; Vice President, Max Morris; Secretary, Pat Beck; Treasurer, Chan Muller; Chaplain, Ann Spaulding; Historian, Susan Chace.
   To instill school spirit and good sportmanship in the students of W.P.H.S. is one of the many goals of the Pep Club. Some of their activities are the keeping of a poster with the scores of our games. They also sponsor a bus to the first football game. Their busy officers are President, Susie Miller; Vice President, Lee Van Wormer; Secretary, Larilyn Swanson; Treasurer, Ann Jenkins.
   The Science Club is made up of students who have a real interest in science. Many interesting field trips to Winter Park companies provide a good time for all. Their officers are President, Greg Holland; Vice President, David Harold; Secretary, Sharon Hayes; Treasurer, John Bordley; Historian, Kathy Browne.
Watch it when you drive too closely to the other car. Death is just a car length away.
New Winter Park High School teachers with Principal Osburn Wilson. 1st row, left to right: Wayne Johnson, Charlette Hall and Principal Wilson. 2nd row: Mrs. Gwen Giltnor, Mrs. Annette Menard and Peggy Sells. 3rd row: Norma Lawley, Ona Barfield and Dorothy Collins. Not present were Robert Appleman, Edith Standbury and Mrs. M. Andrews.
   D.C.T. is the diversified cooperative training club. It is a course designed for students who are now receiving instructions for their chosen professions. They take part of their training in school and the remainder on the job. Their officers have not yet been elected.
   French Club is made up of students who are taking French or enjoy the language. It's hard working officers are: President, Perky McKim; Vice President, Helen Whittington; Secretary, Jay Persons; and Treasurer, Bob Roy; Historian, Joanne Horvath; and Chaplain, Sheila Clarke.
   F.H.A. is Future Homemakers of America. These girls are preparing to be better homemakers and develop better relations in the home, school, and community. President, their officers have not been elected.
   F.N.A. is the Future Nurses of America. This is a club designed for girls who plan to take up nursing as a career. It also gives them an opportunity to render their services in the hospital. The officers of this club are: President, Emily Winfield; Vice President, Clara Harrold; Secretary, Mary Sheldon; and Treasurer, Ronnie Hoose.
   F.T.A., the Future Teachers of America, is a club which helps students to decide if teaching is their chosen profession. Much experience is gained in practice teaching days, in which students teach for a day in a class of their choice. The president of this club is Donna Newberry; with Vice President, Mary Carter; Secretary, Perky McKim; Treasurer, Noralee Reicherts; and Chaplain-Historian, Linda Wentworth.
   Girls Athletic Association, or more properly known as G.A.A., is an organization which gives girls an opportunity to participate in and enjoy sports. It encourages sportsmanship and fair play. Its President is Karen Kane,; Vice President, Marty Grove; Secretary, Joanne Horvath; and Treasurer, Lee Van Wormer.
   Glee Club is a course offered during school to students who enjoy singing in an organized group. The officers of this club are: President, Paul Bene; Vice President, Carol McConnell; and Secretary and Librarian, Susan Carter.
   The Hi-Y Club will be divided into three branches; the Sophomores, the Junor and the Senior group. Hi-Y is a boy's Christian service organization, closely affiliated with the Y.M.C.A. The Senior club officers are: President, Frank Ferguson; Vice President, Greg Holland; Secretary, Richard Giannini; Treasurer, Mike Kelly; and Chaplain, Bob Finfrock.
   Judo Club is a boy's organization to encourage competitive interest in this sport. Skill and sportsmanship are stressed. The officers of this club are: President, Jim Fleming; Vice President-Secretary, John Slegel.
   Key Club is a boys' service organization which is sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of Winter Park. The Key Club is engaged in many worth while projects which benefit the school and community. Bill Phillips is President of the Key Club; Richard Winslow, Vice President; Lance Howden, Secretary; and Gary Houmes, Treasurer. This summer, Bill represented Key Club in the International Convention in New York and Boston.
   Latin Club is a club for Latin students who are taking or have taken Latin. It's purpose is to further the knowledge of people and culture of the Roman Empire. Its active President is Jean Bradford; Vice PResident, Karen Horn; Secretary, Nancy Lundahl; Treasurer, Dodie Rossell; Historian Rita Dunn; and Chaplain, Ann Spaulding.
   Library Club is composed of students who work in the library. They render valuable service to the school by helping students select books. They have not yet elected officers, but their chairman is Richard Harrold, who has held this office for two consecutive years.
   Spanish Club. This is an organization for tudents who are interested in Spanish for practical purposes. Students, among other things, learn of the cultures of Spanish-speaking peoples. Their activities are very enlightening. Bill Phillips, President; Maurine Doggett, Vice President; Secretary, Mary Holly; Treasurer, Karen Kane.
   Thespian Society is composed of those students interested in acting and the theatre. The plays they produce are remarkably well acted. Those serving their fellow Thespians as officers are: Linda Schmidt, President; Vice President, Robin McKenzie; Secretary, Donna Newberry; Treasurer, Woody Leonard; Chaplain, Sue Sturgis. Sue is also in charge of membership.
   Wheel Club is a service organization sponsored by the Rotary Club. Its members strive to create good will in the school and the community. Gene Mooney is President of the Wheel Club; Ray Myers, Vice President; Chan Muller, Secretary; Bob Finfrock, Treasurer.
   Backstate Technician's Club is an organization which controls the operation of the auditorium. They control lighting, audio, and the projection machine. They are also in charge of providing music for the lunch room. Their hard working officers are: Bill Schwartz, President; and Vice-President, Doug Dillon.
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