WI-PA-HI-SC dated September 29, 1960, was made available to us by Nancy Temple. Thanks for sharing!
WI - PA - HI - SC
Page 4
September 29 , 1960
Students  Assist  Teachers
Text   Books
   "Help!" is the cry of the teacher as every hand in the class goes up. For our new teachers and some of the old, it isn't easy to begin with 200 unfamiliar faces through the course of the day.
   To help overcome this confusion, the school allows certain students to become student teachers or assistants as they are called. This enables the students to help the teachers, as well as to become better acquainted with the subject in which they are most interested.
   Student assistant work is a privilege as well as an honor. The students at Winter Park High School who were qualified and accepted were Diane Miller, English III; Anne Laing and Sandra Nelson, Typing; Bobbie Ginkel and Kathy Durocher, homemaking; Claire Martin and Mark Loeb, Latin II; Jerry Lo Casale, Plane Geometry; Ann Joslyn, shorthand; Linda Wentworth, World History; Stephanie Reed, Spanish II; Donna Newberry, English II; Connie Shoup, typing; Clara Herrold, American History A; and Greg Holland, Math.
   Those assistant Miss Wharton in the library are Carolyn Annear, Lynda Borden, Pat Clark, Carol Cubbedge, Lynn Delvich, Sharon Duryee, Claudia Foley, Carol Graham, Anne Jordan, Connie McDowell, Brenda O'Steen, Carolyn Rayburn, Dianne Smith, Doris Taylor, Helen Vinson, Margie Whittaker, Annette McDougal, Jack Billingham, Don Brock, Ron Bryson, Vern Duncan, Carol Dunn, James Ferguson, Richard Harold, Tommy Massabeau, Gene Mooney, Bob Parsons, Alan Roberts, Jerry Schroeder, Chip Schram, and Gary Van Norman.
   Dr. Bender and Mrs. Appleman, our Chemistry teachers have a full team working for them. These students assist their teachers at different times during the day. They are Carol Skelton, Ed Adamkiewicz, Bill Barksdale, Dick Childs, Steve Grantham, Wayne Moore, Bob Ferguson, Elmer Bohannon, Max Morris, Bill Phillips, Sharon Hayes, Ray Myers, Dale Potter, George Fisher, John Bowman, Robert Fackler, and Helen Whittington.
   Working under Dr. Bender are Mary Jane Ezzard, Bob Finfrock, Richard Harrold, Sharon Spelzhausen, Ronnie Peacock, Ed Fishback, Nancy Temple, Steve Van Ore, Linda Merhill, Ronnie Buckmaster, David Harold, Terry Williams, Anthony Barron, George Mayo, Carolyn Rayburn, Dave Smith, Dennis Rajala, Kathy Brown, Carol Hoelle, Greg Holland, Jean Bradford, John Bordley, Jimmy Dollison and David Eckardt.
   We are very proud of these students and appreciate all they are doing. They are a great help to the new puples as well as the old. Keep up the good work! To you sophomores, work hard so that we may keep this system going.
-News Chacer- (Continued...)
   Why is Suzy Cushing walking everywhere she goes!!! For an answer to this question, ask Bill Thompson. It seems that while he was borrowing her car to take out a cute senior girl (Judy Teague), the brakes gave way resulting in an accident involving 2 other cards. Suzy's little "bug" was completely demolished. Judy was badly brused but not seriously hurt. Bill wasn't hurt at all.--He jumped out!!!
By Loni Abbotts
   Have you really ever thought much about the $14,00 worth of textbooks you "lug" around school each day? Did you know the average cost of a textbook is $2.68? Have you realized that W.P.H.S. has issued over $15,400 worth of books to her students this year? These facts were brought to the attention of your reporter by Mrs. William R. Gordon, head of the book department in Winter Park High School. He also stresses the importance of properly caring for the books.
   "There are approximately $900 worth of student book fines per year," Mr. Gordon said, "of which 40% of this loss are lost books, and the rest is damage, resulting from horseplay and carelessness."
   Mr. Gordon also reports the science department has established the best record in book retainment, while the English department suffers from the highest loss. However, in as much as English courses are required of all students, it is understandable that this department has more books to account and care for.
   "The State finances textbooks from the taxpayer's money," Mr. Gordon continued. "Buying book covers can at little expense save the student, his parents and the community from heavier taxation," Mr. Gordon stated conclusively.
-News Chacer- (Continued...)
   Be sure and turn your T.V. to Channel 9 from 7:00 to 7:30 because on every 3rd Tues., starting from Sept. 13, "The American Civil War" will be shown. This consists largely of Brady's pictures of the War and is a very good program. On two-out-of-three Tuesdays -- which started Sept. 20--- "Expedition" will be following famous explorers in their expeditions in unusual and little-known places. These are really interesting so let's all keep turned and follow along!!!
   "No one knows what he can do until he tries."
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