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NOVEMBER 19, 1957
     There are an awful lot of things in this old world to make a choice about. And there are lots of directions in which you can go. It is important that you pick the right road now. To make the right decision you'll need a set of rules to guide you.
     Have fun - that's important in your young years - but also be carrying on some really important projects with aims toward the future. Belong to some character building organization. Take advantage of all the educational opportunities that come your way.
     You'll have to develop a mind of your own about these things. What is right for one person may not be right for another. No one , not parents, nor teachers, nor your minister, can take you by the hand and help you make all of the decisions you face. Learn to weigh, to evaluate the various opportunities that come your way. You never know when you are making the most important decision of your life.
Pat Beck     
A soupspoon of hilarity
Is frowned on in the library;
A bit of frolicking in the stores
Gets them invited back outdoors,
And teachers, ushers eem to be
Extremely glum about their glee.
The raw unwelcome, martyred frown
That greets them might quite get them down,
Were they not loved, not just by mother,
But loyally, by one another.
E. B. DeVito     
     STEADY, by James and Marian Renick, is an exciting baseball story. After visiting a big league baseball training camp, Steady gets the idea of organizing a team in his own home town. The team he started is so successful it eventually plays in the World Series.
     THE HUDSON BAY COMPANY by Richard Morenus is a thrilling book about the history of the Hudson Bay Company. There are happy moments of triumph, and the ones of sadness and defeat. Battles with Indians and trouble with bandits create some of the adventures in this fine book.
Tim Darrah     
OPERATION MADBALL is an Army movie full of comedy. When Captain Ernie Kovacs discovers that Private Jack Lemmon likes dietician Kathryn Grant he puts Lemmon in charge of the morgue. The action that follows is hilarious.
TIME LIMIT is a suspense detective story involving the court martial case of Major Richard Basehart. Richard Widmark, who senses that the court martial is an injustice, finds the facts to prove his case.
Gale Shipley     
     The first native said his feet were blue. If his feet were actually red, he would be incapable of telling the truth, and so would have said - blue. If his feet were blue he would have been incapable of telling a lie, and so would have said - blue. Therefore, the second native was telling the truth. And the third native was lying -- hense his feet are red.
Vol. III No. 10
November 19, 1957
A member of the Columbia Scholastic Press Association and the Florida Scholastic Press Association.

EDITOR - Pamme Anderson
ASSISTANTS - Judy Teague, Gary Houmes, Pam Padwick, Diann VanCort, Ronnie Peacock, Tim Darrah, Judy Schmidt, Shirley Baldwin, Julie Mayer, Laird Gann, Jim Bond

 ART EDITOR - Ken Lamon
 ASSISTANTS - Diann VanCort
 TYPIST - Mrs. Rothrock
 ADVISOR - Mrs. Craig,
           Mr. Ansley
 TOP SALESMEN - Oxhandler,
           MacDonald, Moore,
           and Kent.