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NOVEMBER 5 , 1957


   This year Glenridge's literary magazine - THE PLAID - has a new name and a much wider scope. It will include every type of original creative writing. Under prose may be included short stories, essays, biography, character sketch and local color sketch. All forms of poetry are eligible; free verse, ballads, limericks, and lyric verse. Under the heading of drama, plays both comic and tragic are needed.

   The art of communicating, of expressing in vivid and interesting form what we think and feel, is a skill worth achieving; a valuable asset all through life. No matter what career we may choose, our satisfaction and success in this field will always be greatly increased if we are able to express ourselves fluently.

   The Plaid offers all of us an opportunity to compete in a literary contest. This is a challenge to each one of us to accept.


   The Soviet Union has released Marshall Zhukov as minister of defense. Countries outside the iron curtain were apprehensive that this might mean a new agressive move on the Russian's part. However, Moscow has announced this change will assure peace. That remains to be seen.


   Russian scientists have reported that they are using high frequency waves in a successful cure of cancer.


   President Eisenhower has declared that he intends to attend the North American Treaty Organization meeting in Paris on December 16 and 17. Fifteen nations are expected to attend.


   There were two tribes of natives living in Africa; one having red feet, the other tribe having blue. The natives with red feet were perpetual liars, quite incapable of telling the truth. The natives with the blue feet were incapable of telling a lie.

   One day a missionary met three natives walking down the road. They were all wearing shoes. The missionary asked the first native the color of his feet. The native mumbled his answer so the missionary could not understand him. The missionary asked the second native what the first had said.

   "He said he had blue feet," said the second native.

   "No", said the third native. "He said his feet were red."

   What color were the third native's feet?


   Jane Mitchell submitted the answer to last week's puzzle. "The coions involved were a fifty cent piece, four dimes, and a quarter."



   "The Tin Star" -- Starring Tony Perkins, is a fast moving western. Tony Perkins becomes the sheriff because no one else in town has the courage to take the job. With the help of Henry Ford, Perkins is able to clean up the town and restore the power of law.

M A G A Z I N E S ! ! ! !
Vol. III No. 6
November 5 , 1957
A member of the Columbia Scholastic Press Association and the Florida Scholastic Press Association.

EDITOR - Pamme Anderson
ASSISTANTS - Judy Teague, Gary Houmes, Pam Padwick, Diann VanCort, Ronnie Peacock, Tim Darrah, Judy Schmidt, Shirley Baldwin, Julie Mayer, Laird Gann, Jim Bond

 ART EDITOR - Ken Lamon
 ASSISTANTS - Diann VanCort
 TYPIST - Mrs. Rothrock
 ADVISOR - Mrs. Craig,
           Mr. Ansley
 TOP SALESMEN - Oxhandler,
           MacDonald, Moore,
           and Kent.