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February 4, 1958

WHO IS THE SEVENTH GRADE TEACHER whose daughter, Gray, is strongly urging a diet upon him. He is 7-2.
ONE EIGHTH GRADE GIRL BRUSHES HER TEETH morning in the girls' rest room. She claims she doesn't have time to do it at home. Ask N.T.
ACCORDING TO THE TEACHER PERSONNEL FILES Mr. Stockard has in the office, Mrs. Craig is the oldest teacher on the staff at Glenridge.
A NINTH GRADE CIVIC TEACHER WHO USED TO be a very clever balancer is greeted by his devoted students each morning with a rousing rendition of Happy Birthday. Seems the class heard his birthday was in January and went to be sure they don't miss it.
ONE EIGHTH GRADE STUDNT WHO INSISTS UPON playing "peeping Teresa" in Mr. Weidley's 4th period math class has been sent to "Siberia" in the back of the room for this crime.
ONE EIGHTH GRADE ex-Lee Student claims she got transferred to Glenridge because our boys are cuter. She's really out to make time, too.
ABOUT THIRTY MEMBERS OF THE GLENRIDGE faculty went to Oak Hill January 25 to fish and oyster. The fish were reluctant.
WE HEAR RUMORS ABOUT A MUSICAL PRODUCTION being prepared by our Glee Club. This will be Glenridge's first dramatic production. Good Luck, Mrs. Weidley.
ANY CARELESS CHARACTERS WHO HAVE LOST and never reclaimed articles of clothing had better get on the ball if they ever want to see them again. Mr. Hammond is threatening a house cleaning.
IT REALLY IS AMAZING HOW MANY OF THE MALE POPULATION at Glenridge like to pet those toy lions the girls carry on game day. For example - the fellow who "mothers" Carolyn Corbeau's in 7-4.

     Many eighth graders are looking forward to the Valentine Dance February 15, sponsored by the eighth grade Tri-Hi-Y and Hi-Y. The price will be .50 stag or drag.
     The pioneer Department of the Winter Park Presbyterian Church threw a "Kid Party" January 24. The theme set the stage for much foolishness and fun. Those who showed up dressed like infants were Nancy Collins, Tim Bassler, Lynn Bissland, Joyce Gillingham, Noralee Reicherts, Dodie Rossell, James Armstrong, Alan Darling.
     OAFB Sunday School's Senior Class is planning a Valentine Party. Glenridge students looking forward to the date are Shirley Baldwin, Judy Kirkpatrick, David Heckendorn, Carol Skelton, Buddy Heckendorn, Pat Griffith, Randy Mohn, Vicki Forbes, Jim Nagel, Judy Lowry, Brenda Warner, Jim Dvorin and Peggy Brothers.
     Louis Blackburn was the hostess to a gay group of Glenridge partiers January 10. Seen dancing, eating and cutting up were: Jeanie Nelson, Mike Mulligan, Sandra Adamkiewicz, Bill Nuckles, Julie Mayer, Don Corten, Helen Crabtree, Keith Hilliard, Louis and Bill Blackburn.

Paula get car
Paula get license
Paula Driver.

Raellen in jail
Raellen escape
Raellen Freeman.